[asuh]In you twentysixteen-indieweb repo, the template-functions.php file includes the filter of the `body_class` for both mf1 and mf2 for things like `h-feed` and `h-entry`. Is there a reason you included it there?
[asuh]Right, so the confusion on my part is, does your body_class filtering override what the core adds in? If you didn’t include `hfeed` or `hentry`, would they not appear b/c of the filters you added?
Loqi[Matthias Pfefferle] Description
Microformats2 are a key building-block of the IndieWeb, but it is very hard (if not impossible) to get Microformats2 as a core feature for all WordPress themes. There are several themes that are supporting Microformats2, but everyone sho...
jgmac1106ha wow..I thought so looking at alternate links….that is really what it does…it’s cheating…instead of putting the mf2 into the html it uses a rel=“alternate"
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "keyring plugin" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "keyring plugin is ____", a sentence describing the term)
pfn23, some_weirdo12, cehteh18, karasz, maggick10, Satin12, [manton], epscy10, zem8, bengt__ and jackjamieson joined the channel
GWGBut I changed my implementation so it loads via composer in Post Kinds and the plugin version has an indication. I want to have the same conditional loading code for yarns
jackjamiesonNamely, incompatibility with post-kinds 3.0.9, since I was requiring parse-this.php only if the parse-this class didn't exist, and 3.0.9 includes a dramatically different version of that class
jackjamiesonIn the meantime, I'm planning that the admin area is just an interface for Yarns' endpoint. So I'll have to think about how that would be structured if I use the endpoint from parse-this directly. I'll have to take a closer look
[jgmac1106]@gwg when I look at the source code of an rsvp why would <div class="entry-content e-content">I just RSVPd for the meet @glitch event 11/11</div> not display on syndication instead <blockquote class="e-summary">From: Anil Dash & the Glitch team</blockquote></section> is what syndicates
tantek__if you're using Bridgy, presumably it chooses an explicit summary if it finds one, figuring you have done a better job of manually truncating your content than it would by automatically truncating your content to fit the POSSE destination