#wordpress 2018-10-04

2018-10-04 UTC
[chrisaldrich] and tantek__ joined the channel
@gwg yeah if a face counter could work might be an interesting add-on for semantic linkbacks for the generic webmention page
or something along those lines, I played with CSS animation with an outercircle as a well, full overlay, the CSS stuff is easy, I couldn't write the filter for the counter
j12t, [schmarty], [chrisaldrich], ben_thatmustbeme and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
it was related to the authorization header
seen in the apache error log :
I switched to the other solution
petermolnar joined the channel
then I was finally able to login \o/
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
AkyRhO that issue is theme specific to sempress I believe
@gwg I remember you fixing this awhile ago
AkyRhO is this your website here: https://cedric.io/2018/10/03/1487/
pfefferle has 31 karma in this channel over the last year (37 in all channels)
for the IndieWeb events
and for SemPress
[jgmac1106]: it is
should I change my theme to fix this issue?
which one would you suggest?
its a small tweak, I just can't remember what is. SemPress is well loved and used by many.
I like the 2016-theme, but I put a page builder on top to get the look I want for my students
[tmiller] and [TimApple] joined the channel
Just trying to get the facts here of this number-as-title-for-notes bug. Is this a matter of a theme setting a p-name in microformats when it shouldn’t be doing that? Is there an issue filed on said theme? Is there something blocking a minor mf2 change to the theme?
yes I think an issue was filed, https://github.com/pfefferle/SemPress/issues/62 might be by design, at threshold of my skill answering these questions
[jgmac1106] #62 Syndicatiion Views
but WP themes supported by one person each and [pfefferle] theme loved by accessibility crowd. So not sure if title meant to be this way,
so i just switched to the mf2_s theme
and it seems to work just fine https://twitter.com/akyrho/status/1047842127898718208
Just in case you want to jump into the #indieweb movement, i recommend going to irc://freenode.net/#indieweb-wordpress – The community is very kind and helpful towards newcomers (https://cedric.io/2018/10/04/1504/)
what do you mean mf2_s theme?
What is mf2_s?
It looks like we don't have a page for "mf2_s" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "mf2_s is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[dshanske] mf2_s: Microformats 2 Version of Underscores Starter Theme with Indieweb Support ( Not under active development)
....not maintained
sandbox not really for general use
one sec, i have been rewriting WP getting started page:
well at least it confirmed it was a theme-based issue
yes, thank you. Basicallly choices of themes are 2016-fork, only on GitHub, SemPress or ZenPress, which are in wp.org
there is also independent publisher but it is not maintained and is missing critical parts
but [pfefferle] released a new plugin calles mf2_stream which uses rel="alternative" to make more WP themes work out of box
well, ZenPress it is then
it's kind of cheating but getting the correct microformats2 into WP themes is a sisyphean battle
[johnjohnston] has done awesome tweaks to his
the title fix is pretty easy if I recall
if someone has done it, send a PR?
you can try mf2_stream and you install all the other IndieWeb plugins (expect microforamts2 do not install that with any indieweb theme) and it should just work
wait what?
i'm not supposed to have microformats 2 installed?
not if you are using an IndieWeb theme. that plug in is to shoehorn microformats into other themes
i really feel like a newbie those past few days
Why I ask why not just try Sinatra or FrancisCMS?
WordPress is the great equalizer you just get to not understand it at greater levels of complexity the more you use it
No reason really
I read a lot on the wiki
found out there was a huge amount of documentation about wordpress
I was debating going back and forth between RoR https://indiewebsandbox.jgregorymcverry.com and Known, but I went with Known bc I am applying for grants that will contribute back to Known core
[jgmac1106], I have gone ahead and updated that issue with a more full explanation of what is actually going on: https://github.com/pfefferle/SemPress/issues/62
[jgmac1106] #62 Syndicatiion Views
Zegnat has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (162 in all channels)
I wanted something quick to setup just to play around
WP community kind of large, and it is how people will onboard, quickest is micro.blog, then Known, then WordPress, Drupal/Ruby, SSGs and build-a-CMS
I wasn't really planning on falling in love with the principle
that would be my spiral of skill, complexity, and also inverse in the size of the community
we need help in the WP communioty [pfefferle] and @gwg each maintain the only two themes. We try to draw in more WP developers but the mf2 is so hard many give up
leaves @gwg and [pfefferle] workign roudn the clock to support massive community
“but the mf2 is so hard” [citation needed] ;)
choose one, many from WP channel: v
or here: https://indiechat.search.cweiske.de/?q=microformats+wordpress+theme funny seeing [grantcodes] post on using a sidefile, so far folks ahving good experience with mf2_stream pluging
well the hour I was supposed to work on my website was spent in chat, oh well, laundry is done have to go record videos for class
It looks like sempress is doing microformats right though. It just doesn’t support the concept of note posts, which is an entirely different thing.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
it does support notes, but only for the post-format “note”
[jgmac1106]: what exactly is using the mf2_stream thing already?
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[Matthias Pfefferle] Hello note
[pfefferle], oh, interesting, so those other posts were posted wrong? I don’t know the admin interface of WP...
probably photo posts?
it were posted as article
at least the initial example?
and article has always a title in SemPress
khurt Williams is using it
said it fixed everything for him
photos also has titles
but changing it is not that complicated
yeah I remember it being a minor change when @gwg did it
[jgmac1106]: I meant consuming side. E.g. I know for a fact bridgy doesn't read it
Interesting. I have seen this happen before though, people getting numbers tweeted out for them. So somewhere in the publishing flow it isn’t completely clear to them they aren’t posting notes
yes, because it is always used in the rss feed
so it breaks with micro.blog
is it a post kind vesus selectign native status post type
I know in my example I selected the note post-kind
if post-kinds always use article, then “yes”… if it maps it to the post-types then “no”
but as I said, I will remove it completely or at least add a setting to remove it, so it will always work with any of the used types
[pfefferle]++ for iterating on this and hopefully sparing people the problems in the future :D
[pfefferle] has 32 karma in this channel over the last year (38 in all channels)
[jgmac1106] the mf2-feed plugin is not ready yet, because the post-kinds plugin haven’t stored proper mf2/jf2 data, so I stopped working on it
post 77 was set as note post-kind
[indieweb] wordpress-mf2-feed: Microformats2 Feed for WordPress URLs
okay I won't recommend it yet
[Matthias Pfefferle] Description Microformats2 are a key building-block of the IndieWeb, but it is very hard (if not impossible) to get Microformats2 as a core feature for all WordPress themes. There are several themes that are supporting Microformats2, but everyone sho...
without post-kinds support
Semantic-Linkbacks already supports rel-alternate btw.
so we know which post-kinds do not store the coirrect mf2? Can we get note, reply, article, quote, and bookmark, set?
read, watch, listen, etc still experimental there is no correct mf2
[pfefferle] #208 invalid mf2 data
it is not the core post data, but the extended informations like reply-context
I know @gwg was asking about specific microformats post kind questions last few days
[manton] joined the channel
but this was not the problem
perhaps GWG might want to take over the work on the plugin when/if he fixed the problem… pull request is open: https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-mf2-feed/pull/5
[pfefferle] #5 Add mf2 meta
Zegnat joined the channel
So [pfefferle] the best advice then if folks want their markup proper and like SemPress is to not use in conjunction with the post-kind plugins?
no, the plugin works fine with SemPress
[Rose] joined the channel
and the title stuff is a SemPress problem
that I have to fix
Perfect I want to really start migrating the getting-started on WP content I wrote, and want to make sure it is correct
[schmarty], [dave], gRegorLove, [kevinmarks], [eddie], sebsel, [tantek], dougbeal|mb1 and [Rose] joined the channel
By the way, I am working on fixing Microformats data in Post Kinds for new and old posts
It's a big project
chrisaldrich joined the channel
!tell pfefferle I'm not sure I should take over the plugin
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[TimApple], tantek__, [Rose], [eddie], [tantek] and Zegnat joined the channel
chrisaldrich, [TimApple], [jgmac1106], tantek__, [manton] and [schmarty] joined the channel