#GWGI am biased as the Indieauth plugin removes the need to use Indieauth.com to log into your site, instead using your WordPress credentials
#GWGIndieauth.com uses rel me and GitHub/whathaveyou.
#[asuh]Diagnostic returned four `Unavailable` or `Not Found` messages
#[asuh]Adding `SetEnvIf Authorization "(.*)" HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$1` fixed three out of four
#[asuh]I’m now left with `$_SERVER['REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] is unavailable on this server. Some tools may use this as fallback for $_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'].`
#Loqi[asuh] Installed tree ef76125 from this repo, updated WP Indieauth to 3.1.5, logged into Quill to post a Note, received a 403 error when clicking on Post button.
Error log produces the following:
`Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [...]/wp-incl...
#GWGI still don't know what causes that. Because that is a line about headers