#wordpress 2018-10-13

2018-10-13 UTC
[Vincent], [kevinmarks] and [asuh] joined the channel
Strange, I thought I had a webmentions comment form activated on my site but it’s missing. Installed webmentions and semantic linkbacks plugin on another test site and nothing shows up there either. Outside of Discussion checkboxes being activated, Indieweb wiki gives no further instruction on what could be wrong.
[Vincent] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
Are you using a comment replacement like Disqus or the jetpack comment system?
good morning!
jackjamieson, [schmarty], [eddie] and [asuh] joined the channel
[pfefferle] no, built-in WordPress
[pfefferle] joined the channel
Hmm... can you give me the URLs?
More work today on things
jackjamieson joined the channel
jackjamieson: Hi
Hi GWG, I hope your work is going well lately. I've been at a conference all week so haven't been doing much with Yarns, so I'll be getting back to it next week. For now I accidentally left IRC open but am in a workshop, so I should log off
Talk to you soon though!
[asuh] joined the channel
Since I started using the Internet in the late 90s, I’ve had two long-term monogamous relationships with two browsers: Internet Explorer and Chrome. When Firefox appeared on my radar, sometime before its 1.0 release, I’ve used it off and on. I wa...
[eddie] joined the channel