2018-10-31 UTC
[jgmac1106], [manton], [dave], [tantek], [tanlaan], [kevinmarks], [chegalabonga] and [Vincent] joined the channel
[tonz] joined the channel
[Vincent], [schmarty], [jgmac1106], [kevinmarks] and [dave] joined the channel
# 12:21 GWG This is weird. My new syndication code works perfectly from Micropub but in the post editor, it posts but doesn't get the URL back
[jgmac1106], [Rose], [schmarty] and [aaronpk] joined the channel
# 14:24 GWG jgmac1106, can I question you on something?
[manton] joined the channel
[schmarty] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 15:59 GWG You've seen the Syndication interface in Micropub clients, correct?
# 16:00 [jgmac1106] but here I am losing my everyman....adding the markup for syndication so easy I prefer to do it manually...but that could be its hard.....that is what I want, just checkboixes
# 16:02 [jgmac1106] needs to be a different set up UI that has a default @ mention setup, and ability to choose a specific feed to syndicate possiblly
# 16:03 GWG Well, in Bridgy Publish, I have multiple settings.. include link or don't
# 16:03 GWG I want to remove them and just have a box
# 16:03 [jgmac1106] keep micropub client as clean as possible, close to one button publish as possible
# 16:04 [jgmac1106] settings I like, just separate from publish, yes you have correct UX IMO
# 16:05 [jgmac1106] need checkbox for GitHub, Twitter, Mastodon, Micro.blog.....but others built the Matodon plugin...no need to go crazy now....this would be ideal.....for micro.blog put in the correct html for an @ mention
joelpurra joined the channel
# 16:10 GWG jgmac1106, new interface can handle anything as long as it is behind the scenes.
[manton] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
[eddie] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 17:08 [kevinmarks] Also, consider getting them down to favicons like instagram does, if space is tight
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
# 17:36 GWG [kevinmarks]: It isn't space. It is functionality.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 17:43 [jgmac1106] only settings I could think of is specifying a feed or category to default publish, unselecting the checkbox after publishing (so updates don't resyndicate), setting up @ mentions...though maybe the plugin should handle @ mention correctly without user knowing
# 17:44 GWG [jgmac1106]: I didn't add auto-syndicate functionality. You have to check every time at this moment.
# 17:45 GWG That's why I was asking you about reproducing how Micropub does it. There is no...auto-check in a Micropub client.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 17:52 GWG [chrisaldrich]: Can I pick your brain about POSSE as well as long as you are around?
# 17:55 [jgmac1106] yeah there should be a check by default option, but check is removed after first published. This is how Mastodon Autoshare works..itsnice
# 17:57 GWG [jgmac1106]: The problem with that is knowing if the post was published by the editor or by Micropub.
# 17:57 GWG I may start with deploying the feature with very little in terms of options and iterate over time.
# 17:57 GWG People can still use the older plugin
# 17:59 GWG The way the new one works would allow me to use it for posting manually. Auto seems like more of a contextual feature.
# 17:59 GWG I'd rather set it to know when I don't want it to go then have to uncheck a box.
# 18:02 GWG It's in line with the idea that if you want it to syndicate, it should just do it. If you want to make a decision, it should be off by default.
# 18:03 [jgmac1106] Ever see this when trying to parse a link in the response properties "Method Not Allowed"
# 18:30 GWG By the way, the new syndication support is now in the master branch of the Syndication Links Github repo.
# 18:36 GWG [jgmac1106]: I asked because they block retrieval.
# 18:36 GWG So, whatever site it is is preventing the retrieval of the page by my system.
doubleloop, tin1, [roland], [cleverdevil], [kevinmarks], [tantek], [eddie], [schmarty], [wiobyrne], [chrisaldrich], [frank] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel