[Serena]and as such code I have that automatically hide title for status posts under a certain word count isn't working for those Instragram-imported posts
[Khurt]I think it’s time I give up on using third-party themes with MF2 and some of the IndieWeb plugins. I have spent too much time on plumbing and not enough on content creation
[Khurt]I think I’ll switch to Indieweb Twenty Sixteen and perhaps modify it to meet my needs. Steep learning curve as I don’t know how do to WordPress theme development or CSS.
jackjamieson, [eddie] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich][Khurt] what specific changes are you looking to push to 2016? I've got a child theme version with some small changes, but I don't go as far as GWG's IndieWeb friendly fork of it.
jackjamieson, [jgmac1106], [kevinmarks], [davidmead], [tantek] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
jackjamiesonI have a more general question too, about how Yarns should call upon Parse-this. So far I've been replacing individual bits of Yarns' parsing with calls to specific Parse-this classes. E.g. I replaced my RSS parsing with a call to Parse_This_RSS::parse
jackjamiesonBut my sense is you're working toward something where I might be able to just write a single function and Parse-This will take care of feed-type detection and everything.