[jgmac1106]Hey @gwg [asuh] [jackjamieson] [pfefferle] looks like @cogdog wants some help trying to figure out how to make his themes IndieWeb compatible... He is a WordPress guru so of we can bring Alan up to speed could be good for community
[cleverdevil], tantek__, [tantek], [kevinmarks], jackjamieson, dougbeal|imac and sebsel joined the channel
jackjamiesonGWG: To be honest, I think I've just been thinking about it a bit clumsily - Will update Yarns to just use the Parse_This file instead. Thanks!
[eddie], gRegorLove and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]I am going to turn his Dimeensions theme into a big h-card, done it once before...but he has been super interested in trying to learn about adding correct mf2 to all his themes.....which power 1,000s of blogs on college campuses through #DoOO
[tantek], j12t, [eddie], [schmarty], [Vincent], j12t_ and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel