Loqi[Serena] I just discovered Starbucks’ Toasted White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino. I think I just found my drink for the rest of #nanowrimo2018
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jackjamiesonGWG: Hooray on the Parse-This updates yesterday. I'm tied up for the next few days but will try to get Yarns updated by Monday. Very excited to have that ready soon!
jackjamieson, [eddie] and [schmarty] joined the channel
@mor10OK, we need some positivity up in here. I would love to hear your story about how #WordPress changed your life. It can be something big or something small or something amazing or something that made you smile. Let's remind ourselves why we care so much. (twitter.com/_/status/1062839649498845186)
[jgmac1106][Khurt] Alan Levine expressed interest in learning how to add mf2 to his themes and I know he is looking for work. He is also a huge photographer. @cogdog on flickr
[chrisaldrich]Is there a really great, widely used theme for photography that we could all pitch in and update or fork with microformats to help photographers on WordPress and in IndieWeb?
[chrisaldrich][pfefferle] I think he's looking at one or more preexisting photography-specific themes that he could have microformats added to so there's more options for IndieWeb friendly themes.