#wordpress 2018-11-16

2018-11-16 UTC
[chrisaldrich], [sdepolo], [manton], [tantek], dougbeal|mb1, [eddie], [Vincent], jgmac1106, [jgmac1106], [kevinmarks] and [Khurt] joined the channel
Good morning.
[Serena] joined the channel
Here’s the latest example of OwnYourGram posting as a video kind to Wordpress
[Serena] I just discovered Starbucks’ Toasted White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino. I think I just found my drink for the rest of #nanowrimo2018 Also on: Instagram
I should also add that the image also doesn’t show up in the post, though the image has been downloaded into my wordpress media library.
[Serena]: I wish I knew what Instagram sent via Micropub.
[Serena]: The image issue is one I've flagged. I encountered that myself.
I agree
Video should only be set if there is a video on the post.
I will be fixing the micropub media issue next. I'll see if I can figure out why the other issue is occurring at the same time
[Serena]: Expect fixes on the photos issue soon
[Vincent] joined the channel
Trying to teach the system the myriad of ways people put photos in is challenging
jgmac1106 joined the channel
A way of seeing what OYG in any given instance sends would be really useful.
[jgmac1106], [schmarty], [dave], jgmac1106, [manton], [Vincent] and jackjamieson joined the channel
GWG: Hooray on the Parse-This updates yesterday. I'm tied up for the next few days but will try to get Yarns updated by Monday. Very excited to have that ready soon!
jackjamieson, [eddie] and [schmarty] joined the channel
OK, we need some positivity up in here. I would love to hear your story about how #WordPress changed your life. It can be something big or something small or something amazing or something that made you smile. Let's remind ourselves why we care so much.
Changed my Life?
what blogging be without hyperbole?
Now that I have given jackjamieson enough homework, I am going to fix media issues in Post Kinds
If I am lucky, he'll get Yarns running
jgmac1106, re my persistence, I might do it again
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
giving credit where credit is due, it was a good talk
[Khurt] joined the channel
I would be willing to provide financial support to help bring some microformat2 support to more themes.
jgmac1106, [jdpinto1], [cleverdevil] and [tantek] joined the channel
[Khurt] Alan Levine expressed interest in learning how to add mf2 to his themes and I know he is looking for work. He is also a huge photographer. @cogdog on flickr
[arush] also has a consultancy and might be able to put together a team. [miklb] is also a talented freelance wordpress developer
[pfefferle] has a donation page but not sure if accepts contract work same goes for @gwg
A turn key photo based wordpress site with galleries and such, I would have no problem recommending https://cogdogblog.com/
chrisaldrich and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[Khurt] I was talking the other day with [Csongor]
He's a theme developer who is interested in adding microformats to themes and might be able to help you out as well.
Is there a really great, widely used theme for photography that we could all pitch in and update or fork with microformats to help photographers on WordPress and in IndieWeb?
Thanks [chrisaldrich]. I sent [Csongor] an email.
[jgmac1106] will check out those sources.
That reminds me that maybe I'll go back to my TwentyTwelve fork and try to finish it up for the new year.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[Khurt] you mean besides sempress and ZenPress?
[pfefferle] I think he's looking at one or more preexisting photography-specific themes that he could have microformats added to so there's more options for IndieWeb friendly themes.
[tantek] and sebsel joined the channel
Pfefferle, that Semantic Linkbacks question... would you accept a PR for that?
[eddie], [schmarty] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
What question? The mf2 one? Sure!
jgmac1106, [chrisaldrich], [sebsel], [schmarty] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel