#wordpress 2018-11-21

2018-11-21 UTC
tantek, j12t, [schmarty], [cleverdevil], [kevinmarks], [tantek], AkyRhO and [asuh] joined the channel
I know this isn’t good practice, but is there a way to hook into the WordPress Plugins management if you bundle a plugin inside of the theme folder? I got this idea earlier and wouldn’t do this unless I knew I could hook into that management system so that it appears like the rest of the installed plugins.
Bundling the plugins inside of the theme directory but still managed by WordPress could be a one stop shop of allowing the plugins and theme to coexist without the theme developer doing more work by separately installing all the pieces.
[asuh]: as far as I understand, WP really doesn't like that structure, just like it doesn't have the notion of dependencies in plugins/themes
[kevinmarks] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
Beside this, it would be very hard to also implement the updates and or to handle duplicates, in the case the user also installs the plugin by hand
jeremych_, [grantcodes] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Since this is slightly WordPress technical, in the upgrade to Post Kinds, I moved storing the metadata about a media file from the post to the attachment
[dave], AkyRhO, [eddie], [jgmac1106], [tantek], [Vincent], jackjamieson and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
Hi, jackjamieson
Oops, missed him
jackjamieson joined the channel
Hello, jackjamieson
Hi GWG, How's it going?
I am off till Monday, hoping to get stuff done
I'm working on improving Yarns' aggregation today. It's coming along pretty well so far
Do you have any blockers?
The list for what is missing before an initial release?
Still a few parsing bugs - I'm going to diagnose a bit this afternoon and will let you know what I find out
The improvements to the polling algorithm seem fairly straightforward. And I think websub can be a post release update
So basically just some parsing fixes and testing, improve the polling, and then documentation
And actually I've never posted something to the wordpress plugin repository before, so I'll have to see if there's any steps I'm missing for that
Well, I would suggest you release a beta version and have some community members test it out prior to trying to get it into the repo
Good call
I've got to run to a talk now, unfortunately, but I'll be back on later this afternoon. Tomorrow I'm tied up all day, and I should have some more time for Yarns on Friday, too
jackjamieson joined the channel
Actually I can stay on IRC. I'll just be a bit slow to respond
GWG: I just created a milestone to keep track of remaining Yarns issues before a first release
I may also want to submit some PRs
But I am holding off for a stable point
Sounds great. It's getting close
jackjamieson joined the channel
jackjamieson, adding Issues to Parse This for you
GWG: Thanks, I'll take a look and will also add some issues or add to existing issues later today
I want to document for when I next work on it
Great - I want to do a bit more testing before I post issues so I can (a) figure out if it's just something I can fix in Yarns, and (b) organize things so it's easy to understand
petermolnar, jackjamieson, [jgmac1106], hoomanist and [tantek] joined the channel