#wordpress 2018-11-23
2018-11-23 UTC
tantek, the_hoomanist, tantek_, [tantek], [eddie], AkyRhO, [grantcodes], jeremych_, [jgmac1106], petermolnar, [Sim], [Khurt], [kevinmarks], [calumryan] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] [dshanske] why is the trunk folder inside the tag folders?

[pfefferle] That bloats up the releases and duplicates the packages

[pfefferle] Yes

[pfefferle] No, but I have installed it

[pfefferle] And I get the commit messages

[pfefferle] From WordPress.org

[pfefferle] 👍

[pfefferle] what do you mean

[pfefferle] ?

[pfefferle] I would love to get my ActivityPub plugin ready to use and have some ideas for my OStatus plugins

[pfefferle] ActivityPub not that much…

[cleverdevil] joined the channel
[pfefferle] It is the main protocol of mastodon

[pfefferle] And most of the other networks like friends.ca and hubzilla are also compatible

[pfefferle] Otherwise I wouldn‘t invest ;)

jackjamieson joined the channel
bradenslen joined the channel
bradenslen good morning

bradenslen I have a problem in WP

[tantek] joined the channel
bradenslen I changed a setting in Syndication Links from small icon to medium and upon saving got this:

bradenslen Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, string given in /home/indiesee/public_html/wp-content/plugins/syndication-links/includes/class-syndication-provider.php on line 21

bradenslen and I don't know what to do.

bradenslen deactivating the Syndication Links plugin gets rid of the error message but it returns on reactivation

bradenslen might be related: I did try to syndicate something to Indieweb news just before this and it didn't go through

bradenslen heh everyone is shopping :-)

jackjamieson Hi GWG, how's your week going?
jackjamieson Oh yes, Happy Thanksgiving!
bradenslen GWG thanks for responding and looking into it.

bradenslen I've never had this happen before.

bradenslen I used it once before maybe a week or two ago for Indieweb news, I don't use bridgy

bradenslen it is not something I use regularly to Indieweb news no

[eddie] joined the channel
bradenslen Thanks!

bradenslen It's a cool feature and I like having it. I just don't post a lot of stuff to Indieweb news but before this feature I didn't even try so it's very handy when needed

[davidmead] joined the channel
[davidmead] I’ve been getting a similar error bradenslen gwg when trying to log in to Together and OwnYourSwarm… `Warning: array_search() expects parameter 2 to be array, string given in /nfs/c03/h05/mnt/56448/domains/davidjohnmead.com/html/blog/wp-content/plugins/indieauth/includes/class-indieauth-authorization-endpoint.php on line 230` was going to look at it over the weekend

[davidmead] I assumed it was due to adding an SSL last week

[davidmead] thanks gwg.

bradenslen GWG I would love to be able to syndicate to indieweb.xyz

bradenslen yeah that's the rub

jackjamieson GWG: Thanks! I'm making good progress today on my end. Improving the polling schedule, and now doing a bit of general cleanup
jackjamieson I think just the parsing issues I've noted at https://github.com/jackjamieson2/yarns-microsub-server/issues/36
jackjamieson And, as you mentioned, the indieauth code could be improved. I'll tidy up the file so it's easier to work with and push to the dev branch
[tantek] and jackjamieson joined the channel