[jgmac1106], tantek, jgmac1106 and [davidmead] joined the channel
#[davidmead]Anyone run onto issues with URL shortener and Brid.gy through WP? Getting the message “Bridgy Error: Could not find Twitter account for djm.click. Check that your Twitter profile has djm.click in its web site or link field, then try signing up again.” all of a sudden
#[jgmac1106]It used to happen to me every now and again. I would have to go back to bridgy sign in and reauthorize, sometimes restarting browser before and after used to help, not sure shortner causing issue
#[davidmead]i’ll try that. i’ve never had it crop up before, so i thought i’d ask before adding a JIRA ticket 🙂
cjwillcock, [tantek], gRegorLove, AkyRhO, GWG, gRegorLove_, [kevinmarks], [Vincent], jgmac1106, kisik21, gRegorLove__, [jgmac1106], kisik211, [eddie] and [Khurt] joined the channel
#[Khurt]What other sort of annotation technology supports IndieWeb besides Microformats 2?
WAT, tantek__, [jgmac1106], [tantek], doubleloop and [Khurt] joined the channel
#[Khurt]Question. If a WordPress website sends a Webmention reply to another WordPress website post (both using IndieWeb plugins) the response text should display right? Or is it just the facepile? e.g.