#wordpress 2018-11-28

2018-11-28 UTC
[jgmac1106], tantek, jgmac1106 and [davidmead] joined the channel
Anyone run onto issues with URL shortener and Brid.gy through WP? Getting the message “Bridgy Error: Could not find Twitter account for djm.click. Check that your Twitter profile has djm.click in its web site or link field, then try signing up again.” all of a sudden
It used to happen to me every now and again. I would have to go back to bridgy sign in and reauthorize, sometimes restarting browser before and after used to help, not sure shortner causing issue
i’ll try that. i’ve never had it crop up before, so i thought i’d ask before adding a JIRA ticket 🙂
cjwillcock, [tantek], gRegorLove, AkyRhO, GWG, gRegorLove_, [kevinmarks], [Vincent], jgmac1106, kisik21, gRegorLove__, [jgmac1106], kisik211, [eddie] and [Khurt] joined the channel
What other sort of annotation technology supports IndieWeb besides Microformats 2?
WAT, tantek__, [jgmac1106], [tantek], doubleloop and [Khurt] joined the channel
Question. If a WordPress website sends a Webmention reply to another WordPress website post (both using IndieWeb plugins) the response text should display right? Or is it just the facepile? e.g.
[Khurt]: if it is a reply, it it should show up as a comment
https://monkeyhill.us/test/ doesn't have a link though?
[schmarty], [jgmac1106] and doubleloop joined the channel
Is anyone successfully sending well-formatted replies with Wordpress/Post Kinds/SemPress?
My aren't quite working right, and trying to figure out if it's just me or not (probably is.)
[ngm] #4 Replies sent via webmention are a mess on the receiving site
[kevinmarks], [tantek], [jgmac1106], jgmac1106, tantek and [Vincent] joined the channel
anyone around to help someone with WordPress at HWC-NewHaven....weird display issue
[tantek] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Have a Url?
drewmcweeney.com His blog page we can't get rid of the weird dividers: http://drewmcweeney.com/blog/
you can see the column background colors, I had him delete all custom CSS and it was still there
dmcweeney joined the channel
trying to delete line 28-34 but it was still there after we delete all custom CSS
Does he have a cache plugin that needs to be flushed?
been trying with incognito mode as well
will tell him to delete cache
I don't see weird dividers, but I'm also on my mobile right now.
also sent you message in main, looking for a title for the zamzidat journal...going to try to atleast get the h-review site up tonight
Samizdat... I'll try to get to that later when I'm back in the office.
.ohh yeah california time
Using a different browser can work too...
I am supposed to be in Plam Springs but saved my money for Austin [manton] better put on heckuva show
j12t and [asuh] joined the channel
.container-inner>.main::after, .container-inner>.main::before { background-color: #f0f0f0} is causing the gray bars on the side
I think @drewmcweeney using additional css for stuff that can be done in customizer
[asuh] thx will try switching to #fff
[asuh] that worked for the left sidebar but not the right. We can't select the no sidebar view, quite strange,
he did it with switching before to after
[asuh] has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
i’d also suggest to make the contrast of text to background more defined. the colors are hard to read on top of each other
Figured it out!
I took that code you did and just added page-id code at the beginning of it and then changed the "before" with "after"
Wish I could help, on a challenge
it is done, @gwg get off irc and into a line
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
I am on line for soaring
Cleared two parks so far
Working on a third, but cutting it close