2019-01-10 UTC
j12t, [kevinmarks], chrisaldrich, tbbrown, j12t_, j12t__, [tantek], [Rose] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[cleverdevil], [eddie] and [xavierroy] joined the channel
[Rose], jeremych_, [jgmac1106], [kevinmarks] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
# 11:48 [grantcodes] Thanks for the link [pfefferle] my postrchild extension almost, kinda works but would need custom css to show the alignment properly when editing
# 11:49 [grantcodes] I'm pretty sure it would look fine when published though as it wouldn't have so many wrapping divs
[pfefferle] joined the channel
# 11:51 [pfefferle] And the images/figures/blockquotes/pre are wider based on the element and/or alignments
# 11:51 [grantcodes] Yeah it's totally fine the way you've done it. It's just my editor won't perfectly on all wp sites unless I can remove all the wrapper divs it uses, but I don't think that would be possible
[xavierroy] joined the channel
# 12:00 [xavierroy] getting an error: Uh oh, there was an error getting the access token with the chrome extension
# 12:06 [xavierroy] This is from Chrome. I re-installed the extension. but this is from Chrome
# 12:07 [grantcodes] If you know how to access the logs for extensions it should have the details there, but if not don't worry
# 12:36 Loqi [grantcodes] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (36 in all channels)
# 12:46 [grantcodes] If it still doesn't work I exposed the fields to manually enter a token.
# 12:48 [grantcodes] I've uploaded it to the chrome store, might just take a bit for it to be availabl
[smerrill] joined the channel
# 13:20 [pfefferle] [grantcodes] how do you match to the design? do you copy a h-entry and replace the p-name and e-content with input fileds/text areas?
# 13:23 [grantcodes] It's pretty rare that the duplicated editor looks perfect, so there are 2 options to improve it:
# 13:24 [pfefferle] it looks really good for my theme, except for the featured image that is copied 😉
# 13:33 [pfefferle] what about some kind of template that I can reference with a link header or so?
[voss] and bradenslen joined the channel
# 14:33 [grantcodes] * something up, you shouldn't see the editor on my site. I was suggesting making a /new page on your own site
[jgmac1106], [tantek], [schmarty], [cleverdevil] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
# 16:23 [pfefferle] sure, but it still is a dedicated page and the “inline edit” feeling get’s lost
bradenslen, [tantek], [kevinmarks], [eddie], [cleverdevil], [Rose], [schmarty], [davidmead] and j12t joined the channel