#wordpress 2019-01-19
2019-01-19 UTC
[eddie], [cleverdevil] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
chrisaldrich Hello fellow Friday night lurkers!

chrisaldrich What's up tonight GWG?

chrisaldrich trying to make a list of some priorities... too much to do and too little time.

chrisaldrich Shall I install it as is or wait another half beat?

chrisaldrich Oh, that's a good question... I think I've got post kinds on that install, but primarily I'm only posting articles on it.

chrisaldrich Perhaps have the title of Post kind take over in some sense? Though that requires some different CSS than the standard.

chrisaldrich I was just looking at the way that this theme handles post kinds in the various views: https://normality.blog/

chrisaldrich in some views it shows the post kinds sort of context and in others it doesn't....

chrisaldrich I've also been thinking about how to tweak my RSS feeds for better (?) presentation on readers like micro.blog.

chrisaldrich Right now I'm adding short titles with emoji so that RSS has something to show in some readers when there isn't a title, but really want to quit doing that...

chrisaldrich I've added @pfefferle's most recent version of activitypub to tinker around with creating an @chrisaldrich@boffosocko.com that is followable in Mastodon, etc.

chrisaldrich Perhaps having the Post Kinds title (prepended with an icon) appear in the "title" for RSS may be an interesting stopgap, though it's likely to be repeated in the body again anyway...

chrisaldrich Reminds me that I ought to look at how others who are using it are setting it up for micro.blog.

chrisaldrich I know there are a few plugins that have a micro.blog specific checkbox with custom rss feeds.

chrisaldrich But I'm kind of loath to go that way....

chrisaldrich It looks like pfefferle has got an option in the ActivityPub plugin that will utilize WordPresses Post Formats to map into ActivityPub. Could be cool to add Post Kinds integration for better display on Mastodon and others too....

chrisaldrich There's an awful hit and miss way of handling presentation of IndieWeb-type feeds in traditional feed readers, hybrid readers like micro.blog, and new indie readers (which have the most forward thinking method).

chrisaldrich GWG++ for years of continual tweaking!

chrisaldrich You're not just trying, you're succeeding handily.

chrisaldrich I've just noticed that I haven't been syndicating much other than the occasional tweet.... I need to remember all those syndication checkboxes i've got...

[asuh] joined the channel
chrisaldrich I've also got check boxes in SNAP still which I haven't been using...

chrisaldrich I've got the following set up: Instagram, Twitter, Flipboard, LinkedIn, 500px, Plurk, Pinterest, Reddit, and Tumblr

chrisaldrich I suppose I most often use Tumblr, LinkedIN, and Flipboard, but only very rarely.

chrisaldrich probably more like lazy...

[metbril], [chrisaldrich], [kevinmarks], [schmarty] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] [chrisaldrich] does the activitypub plugin work for you?

jeremych_, [eddie], [davidmead], [schmarty] and myravery joined the channel
myravery yeah. I know about the bio link .... like I said, under construction.
myravery mostly my barriers have been in trying to toggle back and forth between the wiki (which is only partially accurate for me be it's mostly tuned to WordPress.org, and the plug-in instructions themselves. theses are pretty clear, but WordPress presents them to me all out of order so it's been a bit confusing.th
myravery https://indieweb.org/User:Myravery.me
myravery no, WordPress's plug-in manager just gives me a pile of plugins, and I'm following the wiki for their order but the in-plugin text for how to use them on my site
myravery absolutely!
myravery I'm a colleague of Tantek's ... some of my initial confusion with the wiki I mentioned to him and is now magically easier :D
Loqi Tantek-ing is a method of encouraging people to contribute to the wiki by indirectly prompting the person who first mentioned the term to create a short wiki dfn page for it https://indieweb.org/tanteking

myravery lol
myravery As someone who learned HTML, Japanese, drawing, writing, and gene-editinng in high school and got really into 4 of those 5 things, I would love a wizard right about now.
myravery ln short: everything is turned on, but still at the front of the process of fiddling with settings, testing syndication, etc. updating copy and testing that are next up; very happy to be able to ask questions here if I get into trouble shooting territory.
myravery thanks!
[schmarty] and [zak] joined the channel
[metbril], [Rose], [eddie], [tantek] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] hey folks… I am curious about your feedback to my latest ZenPress changes: I changed the author pages to look more like social-media profiles https://notiz.blog/author/matthias-pfefferle/ and I updated the syndication links plugin and implemented full post-kinds support… thanks a lot ruxton for your support

[pfefferle] Post-Kinds

[pfefferle] Syndication-Links

[pfefferle] Not on my main blog

[pfefferle] But I added two screenshots to the slack channel

[pfefferle] Oops, the changes are broken in the mobile view 😞

[pfefferle] But time to go to bed now