#wordpress 2019-02-10

2019-02-10 UTC
[chrisaldrich], [jgmac1106], tw2113, [tantek], [eddie] and cjwillcock joined the channel
edited /Tutorial:_Set_up_an_IndieWebSite_using_WordPress_on_the_Amazon_cloud (-12) "/* Introduction */ removed syndicate toe Facebook"
(view diff)
anyone see any point adding h-card to wordpress.com website>
[kevinmarks], [jgmac1106] and [schmarty] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: what's the point of adding h-cards to any website, and does that point not apply to wordpress.com sites? :D
[davidmead] joined the channel
okay will add that to the IndieWeb wordpress.com tutorial
[kevinmarks] and tbbrown joined the channel
I'm looking at Parse This again, to try and fix some bugs. I need to throw some sources at it.
there is just one feed and one feed of just bookmarks if you want to test how well it parses your theme feel fee to grab from https://archive.jgregorymcverry.com
[Greg McVerry] a post
[jgmac1106]: The Parse This tester is available to all if you ever want to see what it sees.
[jgmac1106]: No h-feed around your h-entrys? I have to code for that. It seems to be a thing.
tw2113 joined the channel
on my known site or the WP one?
hmmm that is an interesting idea, that any link to a tag shoudl be presented as an h-entry
will go file bug
yeah don't think anyone thought about the tag page being an h-feed good catch
gwg has 78 karma in this channel over the last year (163 in all channels)
[jgmac1106]: I can do implied h-feed, but it would make life easier if people wrapped their page of h-entrys for me.
I'm looking at aaronpk's logic for the same idea, as even he omits an h-feed, which my code isn't covering as a scenario yet.
And it should
Either way, it's a great way to improve my markup. Trying to consume it
I found some issues, such as the fact that if the main feed is not on the homepage, without a rel=feed, the code doesn't know where it is.
the rss works
[jgmac1106]: I parse that too.
[jgmac1106] #2340 A page of of tags should be published as an h-feed
I broke my GitHub plugin this morning
But iw26 and Indieweb publisher have a line of code that adds rel=feed if the posts page is not the home page
I wonder if it is worth opening a Core WordPress ticket on.
I tried to put some in my h-card as well...Basically more reaffirmation I need to write a to follow me page
They'll probably ignore it
[jgmac1106]: Put some rel=feedS?
did you see the new rss block...that is where it would go
yeah a ul of my most commone feeds: <li><a rel="feed" href="https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/content/posts/">Blog</a></li> and then quickthoughts footer has more esoteric feeds
[tantek] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: I did that in the Kind Widget.
ooh smart...ugg my tutorials there are woefully out of date as well.
[jgmac1106]: I am always putting in little things
[tmiller] joined the channel
Trying to consume, as I said, helped me figure out what I needed to fix
[jgmac1106] and dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
dougbeal, was just talking about you
[tonz] joined the channel
I’m getting behaviour from the Websub/Pubsub plugin I don’t understand. When I check websub.rocks to test my site (https://zylstra.org/blog) it says https://zylstra.org/blog/blog is the ‘self’ url, with double ‘/blog’. If you try to subscribe using a feedreader that checks for websub, logfiles show that it finds the proper feed url (/blog/feed) first but then says ‘canonical url moved to /blog/blog/feed’ and tries to subscr
feed though (I think because my WP install automatically makes a feed out of everything that has /feed at the end. In case of a posting it contains the comments for instance.
GWG: oh?
[pfefferle] joined the channel
can you file it on github?
[tonz] oops… seems to be a bug in the self link builder
ok, will file on github [pfefferle]
pushed a change… could you try the latest version of github?
[jgmac1106] and tw2113 joined the channel
[tonz] new version live… can you re-test?
[jgmac1106] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel