#wordpress 2019-02-16
2019-02-16 UTC
[kevinmarks], [eddie], [cleverdevil], [jgmac1106] and [tantek] joined the channel
[eddie] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] IW26 in WordPress.org repo, lets make it an Austin Goal...then dougbeal will update without being told

[cleverdevil] joined the channel
[dave], [tantek], Kaja_, drkokandy_ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] !tell gwg this is why IW26 in WP.org should be major community goal: https://islandinthenet.com/indieweb-update/

Loqi GWG: [jgmac1106] left you a message 6 minutes ago: this is why IW26 in WP.org should be major community goal: https://islandinthenet.com/indieweb-update/

[dmitshur] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] is there any way people can help? Is it getting code up to snuff or forms or anything?

[jgmac1106] or is there a good autoupdate theme from GitHub plugin we could package with Indieweb plugins?

[jgmac1106] cool thanks, maybe you should bundle that, nobody updates

chrisaldrich and [eddie] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] ohh okay, yeah put it in your Readme. I was gonna wait until WP.org to record your tutorials but if it will be ahwile, I will just add a tutorial on updating and making child themes

[jgmac1106] yeah makes sense, if templating bad mf2 no point anything else ahead of that

[jgmac1106] I know, used to include mine to

[kevinmarks] joined the channel
dougbeal|mb1, [davidmead], chrisaldrich, [cleverdevil], [jgmac1106] and [eddie] joined the channel
chrisaldrich I just ran across something quirky. If I put <code>#indieweb</code> into a post my wordpress instance the published version works essentially like a Twitter hashtag and it autogenerates a physical link to my indieweb category on my website.

chrisaldrich Is this just me or did core change to add this functionality?

chrisaldrich To my knowledge, I don't have a plugin that does this sort of funcitonality at all.

chrisaldrich I noticed it in this post: https://boffosocko.com/2019/02/16/indienews-plugin-use/

chrisaldrich If it's a core functionality, it could be quite useful for POSSE to Twitter.

chrisaldrich hmmm... just tested this out on another instance and didn't get the same results...

chrisaldrich GWG, are you aware of any plugins in the indieweb suite that would have this ^^ type of functionality?

chrisaldrich yes, Twitter will autowrap it and then clicking on it will provide a stream of those posts with that hashtag.

chrisaldrich which one of pfefferle's does it? maybe that's where mine is coming from?

chrisaldrich It was an unexpected functionality when I did it and I don't remember any plugin mentioning it had that feature when I installed them.

chrisaldrich just tested and apparently it works without being wrapped in <code> tags

chrisaldrich it not only wraps the hashtag with the typical example.com/tag/hashtagname WP url, but it also adds it to the post's tag area on the post. It's very slick...

chrisaldrich I'll have to play plugin hide and seek to see what's doing it.

chrisaldrich I don't have either of them set up.

gRegorLove joined the channel
chrisaldrich The only thing I think that might have it is the official Twitter plugin which I've got. That doesn't seem to be the cause.

chrisaldrich I'm up to date on everything but Webmentions and Post Kinds.

chrisaldrich I'm using my own custom fork of TwentySixteen at the moment.

chrisaldrich I still have to do the upgrade to some of my custom post kinds before jumping up. And I still think there's some quirky header issue I haven't been able to track down for Micropub (sorry it's that one and not webmentions).

chrisaldrich I need to find a block of time to run some tests. I think you have the ability to sign into my other public test site which has the same issues.

chrisaldrich at least with Micropub...

chrisaldrich I'm also trying to play some catch up on small quirks/bugs I've seen in things lately.

chrisaldrich what was the built in parser output url you'd made for testing. I thought I'd bookmarked it, but I'm not seeing it and I don't think you officially documented it.

chrisaldrich I don't know if I mentioned it, but some of the paywalls are causing issues with parsing sometimes. I've noticed that the Washington Post fails for me frequently and I think that it's their 4 free article paywall that is the cause of parsing failing.

chrisaldrich not sure if changing the user agent doing the parsing would get around it...

chrisaldrich GWG: has Chris McLeod popped up in chat for help with things like: https://mrkapowski.com/2019/01/k-theme-update-24-jan-2019.html

chrisaldrich sounds like he's almost there, but running into some issues....

tw2113 joined the channel
chrisaldrich and that

chrisaldrich 's with parse this, the stand alone plugin installed?

chrisaldrich I'm not seeing it on my production server without the standalone press this installed.

chrisaldrich let me add it and see if it changes....

chrisaldrich Yes, looks like you need the standalone plugin for Parse This to have that tab show up.

chrisaldrich What kills me most of all is the general lack of author support on most websites. I suspect that most just have nothing.

chrisaldrich It seems like the NY Times used to have good author support, but they changed their markup or methods 6+ months ago and I get nothing now.

chrisaldrich I know a few folks there and at the LA Times. I'll keep kicking them to be a bit more standards compliant.

chrisaldrich I'm still not able to get the indieweb.xyz option(s) to appear in the syndication set up with the new version of syndication links... ideas?

chrisaldrich If I can get it to work, I'll document it all for the plugin and for the wiki.

chrisaldrich Now that syndication links has the bridgy portion, are you planning on removing the publish part of the old bridgy plugin (as well as removing the facebook/google+ options)?

chrisaldrich I've put in values for the name, UID, and target (and saved), is there anything else I'm missing GWG? I'm expecting once that is done then I'll have a checkbox in the meta box to add it.

chrisaldrich And then from there, I'm suspecting that syndication links will just add the URL there and webmention will actually take care of the last mile, right?

drkokandy joined the channel
chrisaldrich Nope, no checkbox appears....

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "exact name, UID, and target" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "exact name, UID, and target is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
chrisaldrich GWG: here's the relevant section: https://boffosocko.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/syndication-links-settings.png

chrisaldrich hmmm... I could have sworn I did the uninstall/reinstall thing last week as a test, but trying again today seems to have solved it!

chrisaldrich it's at least showing up, now to do something to test it out...