dougbealI'm getting wierd google bot crawl results to ?s or /search/.../rss. They are series of characters. They don't actualy show up in my search console. Is this some sort of attempt to game google?
petermolnargood morning, everyone; I'm back in the WordPress world, with a community site... and I need help. Due to multiple managing people, for now, my best option is to do PESOS for and instagram, a facebook page, and a twitter account, but gosh, in the 2 years I was away from WP everything got messed up.
petermolnarcurrently my main wth is IFTTT: it comes back saying this url is not a wordpress, whereas zapier is happy. All I see in my logs is 405 for POST from ifttt
petermolnaroh, you idiots, I think I know the problem. Coffee finally kicked in; the http version serves the php as is, as text file, because it does find the file, instead of redirecting it
jgmac1106yeah..and customers are starung to call it the old editor and asking about the newer one…they don’t care about the plumbing….it seems way easier to understand than what they had
jgmac1106really isn’t a customer…I sit on the Board of Directors…and when they said we need to hire someone…some idiot spoke up and said, “don’t pay anyone I will do it"
petermolnarmost pagebuilders are similarly crappy and slow, but they are for building eyecandy pages; gutenberg is neither a good page builder yet (it has the potential though, but lack blocks and customization options, eg. multiple custom typography within the same paragraph block) nor a decent text editor