#wordpress 2019-03-11

2019-03-11 UTC
[davidmead], JohnBeales, [eddie], gRegorLove, [jgmac1106], [schmarty], [Rose], [Vincent], jgmac1106, [grantcodes], [tonz], [kevinmarks] and [manton] joined the channel
does anyone know why [mrkrndvs] name still appears as a gravatar in a webmention: https://collect.readwriterespond.com/how-i-build-my-common-place-book/
Don't what you're talking about, because you linked to Aaron's site. Do mean on your site? Because I don't see his name there, I see yours.
And his "name" links to his homepage, presumably via Gravatar.
[stefp] joined the channel
look at how is name is displayed in the webmention here: https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/03/09/how-i-build-my-common-place-book the same happens in WordPress
[tantek] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
but he does have a crazy melange mf1 and mf2 mark up on his h-card.
Which parser is Known using?
I would expect that [mrkrndvs] is using the h-card widget in the IndieWeb plugin. (But it also looks like he's managing to duplicate his rel-me links there too...)
his h-card is correct, known has a bug there somewhere
okay thx, will file an issue
There is an mf1 fn wrapped around that gravatar image, so perhaps it's a backcompat issue there?
maybe? since mf2 is there it shouldn't be looked at, but who knows what version of the parser known uses and what bugs that had
outdated mf2 parser would be my guess
if the "fn" on the image comes from a plugin, that'd probably be a bug there too
GWG ^^ Not sure if all of the requisite mark up is due to the h-card widget in IW plugin or if some of it is the theme's fault... I'd guess theme first, but maybe worth a check?
[davidmead], [kevinmarks], chrisaldrich, [schmarty], jackjamieson, [dougbeal], gRegorLove, [eddie], [jgmac1106], [benatwork], [grantcodes] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel