GWG!tell [pfefferle] What do you see as the future of Semantic Linkbacks? Do you want to try to move it in the direction of what you did in Activitypub storage wise?
[jgmac1106]gwg pfefferle, had idea as I thought about making the mf2 plugin work on my charity site. Could I search theme for old microformats like hentry and vcard and delete the properties? Then activate plugin? If so what should I search for and delete?
[jgmac1106]ohh yeah I am getting real close on this theme.....maybe advice would be to not makle new theme...delete old h classes and then use the micorformats2 plugin. I think this will work
[tantek], [Zegnat] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]!tell tant3k, gwg getting close: view-source: errant h-entry, need to move the dtend span, and my organizer and venue properties not diplaying....that should be an easy fix
[kimberlyhirsh]Hi IndieWeb! I wanted to repost a tweet with added commentary - a quote tweet - on my site and then POSSE to Twitter using Bridgy a la I'm using the Post Kinds plugin. I've also got the Bridgy & Syndication Links plugins. I tried to do this first using the post kind repost, which syndicated a retweet. Then I realized that quote was probably the right post kind, so I tried that. It didn't seem to s
[jgmac1106]Just put the link to the tweet in your note and Bridgy Publish will take care of rest, make it a reply if you want to connect to the original
LoqiGWG: [jgmac1106] left you a message 6 hours, 19 minutes ago: getting close: view-source: errant h-entry, need to move the dtend span, and my organizer and venue properties not diplaying....that should be an easy fix