2019-04-01 UTC
[asteres], [tantek], gRegorLove, [Rose] and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
# 08:31 petermolnar twitter is fascinating, to see how people believe excuses after that code was removed from their repositories...
[Rose] joined the channel
ichoquo0Aigh9ie joined the channel
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[tantek] joined the channel
# 11:31 GWG !tell [pfefferle] Started work on the migration of data in webmentions. This will be a big PR
# 11:31 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[Rose], [jgmac1106], [tantek], [eddie], [sebsel] and dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
# 16:47 GWG [Rose]: How did you expect Location to behave?
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
# 16:51 [Rose] I expected after connecting compass it would get my location every so often, and grab it on every post at least.
# 16:54 GWG [Rose]: I would like to implement that more fully
# 16:54 GWG Now that other things have been addressed
# 16:57 GWG How does weather behave, as it is looked up on every location lookup?
# 16:57 GWG Does it automatically add location to micropub queries if not provided?
# 16:57 GWG I don't currently support time based location lookups and would need to
# 16:58 GWG If I support time based and there is a request for location for a time where nothing is stored, does it default to last?
# 17:05 GWG How do I keep the functionality consistent for those who only want to add location manually?
# 17:05 GWG [Rose]: Simple Location is my most mainstream plugin
# 17:06 GWG Trying to add functionality that allows people to decide how to use it
# 17:06 GWG I would like auto location if I can protect it
# 17:06 GWG That's why I added zones...geofenced private areas
# 17:08 GWG It automatically hides location with the zone label, like Home
# 17:09 [Rose] There was some discussion in Nuremberg about locations, [jeremycherfas] and I think it was truncating the decimal gets you less precise results, which may be a good starting point.
# 17:09 [Rose] I think your plugin defaults to private right now, doesn't it? I would keep the current settings as default
# 17:10 GWG [Rose]: Actually default is a setting
# 17:14 GWG Well, lots of opportunities in Simple Location to improve it
[tantek], EmreSokullu, [schmarty] and [Rose] joined the channel
# 18:53 [Rose] So, protecting privacy: default to private unless a post specifically includes a location, or the person opts to do otherwise
# 18:53 [Rose] Adding location: yes, but keep it private unless settings are set to do otherwise
# 18:54 [Rose] No location found for time: either the closest one before (say within a 15 minute window), or no location
[ketudb], [schmarty] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 21:30 GWG I may convert these to issues on the repo
[tantek], wagle, [eddie], [jgmac1106] and [ketudb] joined the channel