#wordpress 2019-05-04

2019-05-04 UTC
[tantek], gRegorLove_, [chrisaldrich] and [asuh] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] I was replying to a webmention comment on my site yesterday, from my site as the logged in user, wondering if my reply would then be syndicated back to Twitter. You wrote about a similar experience where you manually replied both on your site and Twitter: https://boffosocko.com/2018/07/02/threaded-conversations-between-wordpress-and-twitter/
Do you know if progress was made to automate the manual process of replying on Twitter after leaving a comment on your site?
Not that I know of [asuh], but I suspect it could be done with brig.gy
I don't do it very frequently so manual has been fine for me in general.
Ok, I was hoping I missed something and just needed to add a class or functionality to my theme. Just another way I can think of to keep my attention on my site
Could potentially be added as an extension to syndication links?? It means you'd need proper markup on your comments section though
I haven’t seen anything stating so and I figured you’d be one of the first to experience it if it was
[tantek], gRegorLove_, doubleloop, [Rose], [frank], gRegorLove, [calumryan], [Chris_Adams], [Yulia], sonny, jeremych_, [Amber], markomat, [jgmac1106], jackjamieson, [Ian_Forrester] and [Caspar] joined the channel
GWG: the h-card widget doesn't seem to include my name, at least in the indiewebify test - https://indiewebify.me/validate-h-card/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdoubleloop.net - am I missing something?
Nor mine, looking
We have a name property
[tantek] joined the channel
gRegorLove: You've looked at the indiewebify h-card card, do you know why it might miss a p-name
Let me check. I have a dev version running too that might have fixed that.
I noticed indiewebify picks it up if the p-name is inside the a tag that has the u-url
I think it's because the php-mf2 version on indiewebify.me is pretty old (0.2.12). The parser is returning two values in the p-name, first one is blank. Not a problem on your end, doubleloop.
indieweb/rel-me lib pins that. I mentioned this at Austin 2019 but forgot to file an issue.
Doing so no
[gRegorLove] #5 Bump php-mf2 version
gRegorLove has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (89 in all channels)
[Rose] joined the channel