#wordpress 2019-06-11

2019-06-11 UTC
gRegorLove, gRegorLove_, miklb, [tantek], [chrisaldrich], ichoquo0Aigh9ie, [kevinmarks786], [jgmac1106], jgmac1106 and jeremych_ joined the channel
!tell gwg congratulations on having woken up the dev of Independent Publisher.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
I thought he'd abandoned it, honestly
Glad he is just busy
I think I'd have to describe it as a soft quit.
Either way, I may try to port some of the fixes I did back
One at a time
Baby steps
jeremycherfas, were you using Independent Publisher?
Yes. One of my sites uses a child of IP.
Well, I may do something more with my fork, but will certainly submit some of the fixes back
Mind you, I haven't checked the mf2 in as long time.
It needs fixes
[smerrill] joined the channel
I don't doubt it.
jeremycherfas, that was the PR I closed
What was? This is all a bit telegraphic for me.
Fixing the mf2
I also did a lot of other stuff, which overwhelmed it
So need to do tiny PRs
I should find the time to take a look at your fork. I would learn a lot about WP and mf2
It needs work, but I have too many projects
I am working on Post Kinds and media now, which I got into trying to fix Frank's reported bug
Which I got into because I was doing fixes to publishing feeds
Which I got into because I was doing fixes to consuming feeds
[Rose] joined the channel
Which I got into after I put my webmention work on hold in the hopes for a Yarns Microsub early release at Summit
I have a few weird errors on RSS feeds with include and exclude, but thankfully JSON feeds work
[Rose]: What errors?
New Post Kinds has a feed template to eliminate empty titles
I'm waiting to hear back from Manton because it's micro.blog encountering them
I am just curious because I was thinking of a special feed presentation of the kind templates
My feeds are `kind/article,photo,note/feed`, which gets an internal server error according to the display, and the other is `exclude/kind/like,checkin,favourite,watch,play,eat,drink,bookmark,repost/feed/` Error: unknown error Net::ReadTimeout
I think the first one is missing a 'include/' at the start
No, include is a state of being
It's built into wordpress
I had to build in exclude
Not sure why
That's two of us
Are you running any development versions of anything?
Not that I know of
Same feed works on my site
Something seems to be messing with your feed
Didn't know jetpack added stuff to the feed
Not related, but curious
Usually that root error is a superfluous whitespace
Caused by a plugin
Try shutting some stuff off maybe?
For testing
I'll have a look later.
[jgmac1106] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
Wondering why the properties of the h-feed on my home page of eatthispodcast.com includes "bridgy-twitter-content": ["Can you find me a paper in The Lancet?"] which is the summary on only one of the h-entries in the h-feed.
jeremycherfas why this line: <p class="p-bridgy-twitter-content" style="display:none">Can you find me a paper in The Lancet?</p><link rel='stylesheet' id='mediaelement-css' href='https://www.eatthispodcast.com/wp-includes/js/mediaelement/mediaelementplayer-legacy.min.css?ver=4.2.6-78496d1' type='text/css' media='all' /
there is no p-name following your h-feed that I can find
That's my question jgmac1106
can you addd a name here? <a href="https://www.eatthispodcast.com/" title="Eat This Podcast" rel="home">Eat This Podcast</a> I think if you add a p-name following the cite title the parser will ignore that weird bit…but try to deltet that weird bit of course
There is no p-name on the h-feed, true.
I would also add a p-summary to: <div class="site-description">Talking about anything around food</div>
All this comes down to feed weirdness in WP. My feed is absolutely bog standard, untouched by me.
also no h-card
You are looking at the page source, right? I am looking at the how that source is parsed.
both and comparing
but yeah its totally borked
can you switch easily to @pfererlle’s new theme? Same design aesthetic as IP
My child is pretty customised from IP, and to be honest that site does not get a huge amount of IndieWeb interaction, so I haven't been too concerned about it. But the talk earlier this morning about IP made me take another look, "just for fun".
switch to autonomine that is my only adive for any IP users, there are so many problems and it is wrapped up with gravatar inegration that messes up the h-card, at minimum install the h-card widget if you do not want to change, you can probably go into templates and add the p-name for the h-entry…no idea why the display none lancet comment is there, that is just weird
There's a p-author and h-card on individual entries, just not on the h-feed of the home page.
Indpendent Publisher is toast. If you want the best WordPress mf2 markup use SemPress or Autnomine without post-kinds is really the best advice we can give
yes but if you look the parser does not pick those up
GWG seems to be giving IP the benefit of the doubt.
he has been working on it but it is too much for gwg to mantain all the plugins and all the themes, I would call IP as not supported and walk away
[Jeremy Cherfas] Housekeeping We all deserve a break
I mean on the child h-entries included in the homepage that should be nested in your h-feed, there I see no h-card for the h-feed or the included h-entries
Oh, right. Well, I'd expect an h-card on the whole home page, but only because this is a single-author site.
if you add the h-card widget that will get fixed
you know you might be able to add the p-name in the additional css feature of customizewr
but can you just search your child theme for lancet and delete that line….but still say a proper p-name after h-feed will fix that problem
It's true that my child of Autonomie does offer muh better markup out of the box. Maybe I should think a bit about switching. I'm reluctant because it would almost certainly mean a whole new look, and I don't really want to do that. I have other itchier itches.
It isn't in the theme. It is the summary of one of the posts in the feed.
then let it be, don’t know anyone following podcast feeds in mf2 readers
There's more to it than just podcast, but yes, I take your point, and will let it be. Maybe come back with a hot new look when the podcast returns from summer break.
…but it would annoy me…might be a reason I just started writing my own posdcast feeds by hand
but Autonomie is a very similar feel to IP, both trying for the Medium aesthetic, your style sheet should translate nicely
theme switching always sucks…nobody ever wants to do it…thus our uptake problem
We'll see.
works find in my podcatcher with rss all that matters to me
The bridgy attribute is weird bit doesn't hurt anything. Adding a name would not remove it, not sure where that idea comes from
chimo joined the channel
That was my initial thought sknebel; that it was weird but harmless.
yes I didn’t mean remove I meant a proper p-name under the h-feed might get picked up first
but sknebel can diagnose better than I, saw many markup issues that he would be better at explaining
[dougbeal] joined the channel
To be honest, I'd rather spend my time, such as it is, moving my Grav site to the new default Quark theme, customising it and making it mf2 ready.
same conlcusion I reached (well not the Grav part) but the birdpress part
[Rose], [schmarty], [xavierroy], [tantek], jackjamieson, [eddie], [grantcodes], [kim_landwehr] and [kevinmarks786] joined the channel
Why does the comments sidebar widget include u-url markup and how do we fix that
tell people not to use the comment sidebar widget....
that's not really a good solution
why does it include the markup in the first place?
I know, and I think it is SemPress specific, file an issue and [pfefferle] is quick to resolve
hardest lesson to learn u-photo and u-url do not go everywhere
Probably a "format commenter avatar" function somewhere that gets used there too
is this for sure sempress at fault?
Can check at home if I filed an issue on that somewhere, I think I tracked it down some time last year
i don't want to open an issue there if it has nothing to do with it
[jgmac1106] the lesson is that markup in general doesn't just go everywhere
every piece of markup you add should have a specific purpose that you fully understand. if you don't, don't add it.
yeah i think a lot of time it's markup being added from templates that you don't realize are reused elsewhere
yep...takes a sec to learn, and folks made some mistakes that get copy and paster or templating in someplaces but if you file an issue with SemPress
ohh [aaronpk] said same thing
yes I believe it is SemPress specific if I recall, I do not see it in gwg fork
[pfefferle] joined the channel
what is the issue?
issue is a special kind of article post that is a reply to typically some source code, though potentially anything at a source control repository https://indieweb.org/issue
[pfefferle]: the author URL of comments in the sidebar widget include u-url class
so it's messing up the whole page
this seems hard to fix
do you have an example url for me?
[Ton Zijlstra] Letterpress printed QSL cards for successfully sent and received Webmentions must be the most finely targeted joke. The audience very likely not larger than 3 people.
shit… I hate the whole “adding mf2 via WordPress hooks” thing!!!!!!
pfefferle++ for all you do...
pfefferle has 23 karma in this channel over the last year (29 in all channels)
[jgmac1106] 🙂
ohh that reminds me [tantek] do you still want me to run top three themes through parsers with and without mf2 plugin..are you still crazy enough to try your hand with that plugin?
we did note [pfefferle] that hentry was removed in latest _s build
yeah ... assuming GWG is willing to sit down with me and show me how to maintain a plugin
oh! [tantek] is becoming a WordPress theme developer?
okay, since I got 0% done today that seems like a good distraction to get 0% done tomorrow, lot of IndieWeb time when trying (and avoiding) finishing a book
even worse a plugin maintainer, true masochist
oh, the mf2 thingy?
wants to take mf2 for a spin....talk about hating Wordpress hooks
good luck [tantek]
pfefferle, not theme, but maybe some plugin hacking
I have some decent string manipulation skills 🙂
plugins that hack on themes
[kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
er, plugin, singular 🙂
again, only if GWG agrees to mentor me about WP plugin maintenance
and I still say manually removing hfeed and hentry and then installing mf2 works excpet for a minor problem of u-author h-card vs p-author h-card
and having [jgmac1106] as QA will be essential
I'd be willing to help [tantek]
I will add that to my vita! “built a plugin that was taken over by [tantek] ” !!!
lol oh dear
well look who the winds blew in... welcome friemd
pfefferle do you have an h-resume? 🙂
miklb++ (!!!)
miklb has 14 karma in this channel over the last year (16 in all channels)
I am working on that
an h-resume ... plugin? 🙂
I will move over my linkedin profile to my site
puuuh, I am not sure it will become a plugin 😉
building an h-resume was such a fun way to learn microformats and css grid..talk about nested properties...now i want to go try Grid and subgrid versus grid and flexbox
but [tantek] will just build the sites and throw all the data into a repo, to me a unit test happens after chapter four, can't be much help after that
hmmm, but using custom-post-types and a custom taxonomy it might be easier that I thought
thinking about an h-resume plugin…
[tantek] if you are seriously considering, I still have the fork I was using that was getting me to about 95% compatible, but had that discussion about using the shim and that's where it stopped
[miklb] the debate...discussion...was best way to strip errant hentry and hfeed from posts as part of mf2 plugin..but [pfefferle] noted some of those are required for the way the webmention plugins work for themes so fixing mf2 may cause cascade wih webmentions and/or semantic linkbacks
yes, I believe I've solved most of that but would need to revisit. I'm mostly focused on jekyll-indieweb but still using my WP site until I can get exactly where I want before switching.
and some themes style hentry and hfeed sowould there be a way to check the stylesheet and if any styles exist rename the selector rather then delete with a find and replace
...maybe a find and replace even if the stylesheet ends up empty is better than a filter to check stylesheet and then the hooks to change
miklb, I'm also happy to contribute to your effort instead, since you've done so much of the work already
ohh wrong channel but fix your h-card miklb still coming up blank
maybe it is your WordPress site I am seeing thn and not yoru Jekyll but you are coming up blank without author in my reader
so then right channel
I'm not currently live on jekyll anywhere
miklb, while you're here, any chance you can make it to Summit? Or at least remote participate? https://2019.indieweb.org/summit
IndieWeb Summit
I have zero budget for travel, but will try and follow along from afar
we should have solid remote participation!
it is probable
just proabable? such a pessimist
aaronpk did you just feed Loqi the magic 8-ball responses
miklb I have a free hotel room if you could do flight...but remote will be great...and it being on west Coast will fit your hours well
[tantek] I'd be happy to switch to a default theme & my fork and start documenting/revisiting the issues if you'd like to help debug
live debugging so to speak
flights from FL to west coast aren't cheap. I spent my small travel budget to go to CfA Summit in Oakland earlier this month.
CfA == Code for America
I appreciate the offer
gRegorLove, [miklb], [grantcodes], [tonz] and [frank] joined the channel
[tantek]: Do I get to call you my apprentice?
I am happy to help if the uf2 plugin gets an active lead
[jgmac1106]: Re IP raamdev says he's back. I figured I'd submit a small PR and test that theory
[tantek] ok I’ve switched my WP site to use default 2016 and my fork of the uf2 plugin which is here https://github.com/miklb/wordpress-uf2/tree/parsing_updates I’ll start looking for issues. I think i need to add back the h-card widget
data properties...hmn
[manton] joined the channel
yeah. Nobody liked that idea but it solved a problem
miklb, there is no elegant solution for this problem
I just updated all of the IW plugins and switched so I’ll poke around. I’m not in a hurry to migrate & still not 100% what I want to do. I’ve had that domain for 14 years, kinda hate to abandon, but I do like having www.michaelbishop.me
I haven't worked on the uf2 plugin in a while, but I have done a lot of work elsewhere
Trying to fix mf2 specifically
Simple Location wraps it's location property so the location isn't leaking into the h-card on some parsers
I’ll re-asses where the mf2 parsing is it. Those changes were August, so interesting to see what’s changed in 10 months.
And so on
Glad to have you on it
I look forward to your inspiration
for awhile no matter what I did, micropub photo posting was broken so I abandoned doing much work on the site, plus other interests more pressing
my biggest issue now seems that because I’m using an external service to optimize images, it can take longer than micropub likes
I think Ruxton found the bug there
Re photo attachments
yes, i was following the commits/issues
Excuse me, it was jjeaton
At least things are getting better
part of me working on jekyll-indieweb is because I’m suing jekyll for another project and wanted to also use the theme/gem routine so it seemed like a good time to revisit and reuse as much code as possible between the two.
You know I am always looking for active contributors... developer or user contributors..So I will always be trying to recruit.
I’m really just going to do the same I did this time last year. Look at the state of mf2 parsing with a core theme and IW plugins and the uf2 plugin to fill in gaps. I’ll share what I find.
I see things finally starting to converge after 5 years
I can post using an Android app. I can POSSE out the other side
The Classic Editor is still a looming issue for me though
jackjamieson and I should have Microsub stable enough soon
With any luck
And I can go back to working on the webmention/semantic Linkbacks merger
GWG, it's getting pretty smooth!
jackjamieson, did you look at the latest changes I worked on?
[kevinmarks786] joined the channel
I still haven't rewritten the feed search, but I extracted a lot more data for you
Keep posting bookmarks of scholarly articles on your site
That's why I added Dublin Core metatag support
GWG, looks like you've made a few changes since I last checked. I'll test them out and will keep looking for feeds that may cause problems
Overall, I'm getting really happy Yarns + Indigenous/Monocle. Just fixing a few small bugs now
> > This is a test, using an iOS Shortcut to send a note to my Micropub endpoint for syndication to Twitter.#indieweb >> >> — Scott Merrill (@smerrill) June 11, 2019 And here’s a reply from my WordPress admin testing my updates… https://miklb.com/blog/2019/06/11/5004/ https://twitter.com/smerrill/status/1138414235975868421
I guess I don’t remember the replied to text getting parsed into syndication
it comes in like a quote tweet not a reply. I’ll dig in, just curious if that’s now expected behavior
It shouldn't be if things are marked up correctly
But because wordpress puts replies inside e-content...too common
using default post-kinds plugin/templates and 2016, but I do have my fork of uf2 so I’ll run it through a parser to see where the issue is coming from
it used to not do that with same setup
My solution in my themes is to add e-content to the content filter at priority 0 so it only wraps the actual post content
lol to what?
[frank] joined the channel
just in general that it’s still so convoluted
or possibly regressed. But I’ll dig in and do another state of the mf2 post.
GWG I added a custom syndication link to the WP plugin in my settings. How do I add an icon to this custom link on the frontend?
[tonz] joined the channel
I think after about 30 minutes of looking at this I’m going to have to back out of my offer.
I just don’t have the fight in me to untangle that. my apologies for jumping the gun
[schmarty] and [Rose] joined the channel
kind of funny that techcrunch has a tumblr for that case
[jgmac1106] and [tonz] joined the channel
So the RSS error I mentioned last week (@GWG) was caused by having a blank line at the end of my child theme’s functions.php. After some googling I found a 2016 article mentioning it as a possible source of the problem. What happened: in an editor I hit return a few times to give me space to add some lines, without realising it might make anything break.
oof, that's sneaky
Indeed. Does the file end with "?>"? A typical practice is to omit that closing tag at the end of the file to avoid whitespace issues.
It also ends with ?> but had 2 blank lines after it. Removing those fixed it. Next step would have been to remove the closing tag. Also see www.zylstra.org/blog/2019/06/7347/
Thanks for the tip that omitting it avoids the whitespace issue wholesale [gRegorLove]
[kevinmarks786], [tantek], ben_thatmustbeme, [kimberlyhirsh], [grantcodes] and [schmarty] joined the channel
wow that's a good reason to not use the closing ?> in a PHP file - unless it's included right?
[frank] What do you mean?
If it's a PHP-only file (or predominantly PHP), I'll usually remove the closing ?>. Even for files called in by include() or require()
No issue if the included file doesn't have the closing tag
[tantek] joined the channel