chrisaldrich and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
#[Michael_Beckwiti feel good, i set up a webhook and used the REST API to import my video posts into my own site, and it will post back to it any time I post to the site
#[Michael_Beckwityes, i could just post to my site from the start, but i want to at least have an eye on what offers its users, and i like my domain their
#[frank]bridgy log doesn't make much sense to me as where to look. And I am not sure if this is a webmention thing, a micropub thing or a syndication links thing. Any help to move forward is appreciated.
#[frank]OK, moving on with a test. I tested the same routine on Posted a note with image through Quill. Tweeted it out through Bridgy. It does show the image now. But it also shows my avatar? Why is that happening?
#[frank]happen and can this be why the tweet doesn't show the regular image from my blogpost?
#Loqi[Frank Meeuwsen] Met een warme dag in aantocht ben ik blij dat ik vanochtend vroeg al een rondje Amelisweerd en Kromme Rijn heb hardgelopen. Ik vind het heerlijk om zo vroeg in de ochtend in de natuur te lopen!
#[frank]Well well...I think I found the culprit. Siteground's Image Optimizer was enabled. It would optimize and lazyload images on the site. This is why images were presented as base64 data. I wonder if it will really make a difference in speed now that I've turned it off. And I need to find out how to disable my gravatar image from the h-entry photo properties... But first some sunshine!