#wordpress 2019-06-28

2019-06-28 UTC
dougbeal|imac, [kimberlyhirsh], Valium8862[m], [schmarty], [Michael_Beckwit, [aaronpk] and [tmiller] joined the channel
would I technically need to wrap a link in markup every single time if I wanted it to get extra styling like shown in https://cloudup.com/cyC2K7wGM6U ?
mostly just checking if I’m going to need to create a fancy shortcode or something to help cover the details each time 😄
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
Not sure what you mean
For example, https://webmention.rocks/test/2
the first one listed is mine
however, i have some microformats added at https://michaelbox.net/2019/06/one-last-webmention/ around what i’m perceiving to be the webmention itself
h-entry, u-author, h-card, u-url etc
so the first part of my question is if i have to provide all that markup each time
second part would actually be why it’s not showing up at webmention.rocks
only idea i can think of is maybe i’m using the wrong test endpoint somehow
I would need to look on my computer
no worries. i’m kind of giving up for the night on it, i’ll settle for the mentions sending in general 😄
I am over Idaho
[benatwork], [tantek], [snarfed], gRegorLove, [fluffy], ichoquo0Aigh9ie, discord[m], balupton[m], Lolicon[m], npfoss[m], card[m], iiogama[m], freethinkingaway, aaronpk[m], romaric[m], Nebulous[m], sfroment[m], manfred[m], new0ne[m], ritewhose[m], rittme[m], Giyomu[m], Romaric[m]1, tom85[m], Valium[m], sander[m], ax[m], aeddi[m], technojunkie[m], glenn[m], drbh[m], RealSnazzy[m], sacha[m], asuh[m], andrewxhill[m], Swedneck_, nellkate1[m], carsonfarmer[m], [jgmac1106], [kevinmarks786] and MrKapowski joined the channel
Has anyone else updated to the latest version of the Webmention plugin?
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
@MrKapowski, until you mentioned it I hadn't notice that there's a new version.
I did see that Matthias mention the other day that he was going to do a small upgrade since someone noticed that the plugin didn't have compatibility info with the last 3 versions of WordPress. Can't imagine there's too much changed though.
I'll update shortly pending time pre-Summit.
there hasn't been anything but cosmetic changes that I can see, but for some reason updating to the latest version breaks my Syndication Links syndication targets
I was wondering if anyone else had experienced that, so I could narrow it down to an issue in one of those 2 plugins, or an issue with my WP install in general
I would look at it tonight, but far past bedtime and tomorrow is going to be a crazy day... GWG may be able to look at it in the morning tomorrow
I'm happy to look into it… was really just asking for validation I wasn't imagining it :-)
placer14[m], Ja3ood[m], jeremych_, gnunicorn[m], gorhgorh[m]1, Tianyi[m] and [mrkrndvs] joined the channel
@mrkapowski mine are broken too if that counts as validation
neverstopeating[, [jgmac1106] and MrKapowski joined the channel
[mrkrndvs] what worked for me was rolling back to the previous version of the webmention plugin. You'll need to delete it from WordPress, then install this zip instead: https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-webmention/archive/3.8.8.zip
I've no idea why it's broken; there's nothing in the Webmention update which does anything substantial. I'm going to check the Syndication Links plugin when I get home
Keegen[m] and big_dawg joined the channel
I'm having a redirect issue. The url has been changed after the site was migrated, both domain points to the same server, because of seo, I need all old urls to redirect to new domain name, tried many things in vhost, not working correctly, and there is an SSL. Can anyone help?
Can you give me examples of old and new permalinks? You should be able to figure something with htaccess rewrite rules.
if old is "os.com", and new is "ns.com" , and I type in "https://os.com", I get the "bad ssl page | The certificate used to encrypt your connection to this website does not match the domain it was issued for...
but if I click, continue anyway, then it redirects and goes to https://ns.com like it should
Where are you doing the redirect?
vhost conf file
I wonder whether it might be better in htacess
I haven't tried with the conf file.
that just has the default rewrites Wordpress always uses at the moment
When I changed from one CMS to another -- so base url remained the same but permalink unfortunately had to change, I created a rewrite rule that worked OK. So if all that has change is the base URL, I am sure you could do the same in htaccess under the old URL
I had a similar issue. The best way I found to fix it was to generate a Let's Encrypt certificate for "os.com" and add it to the site config.
so the original site was migrated, there is no files currently associated with the old url. Are you saying I have to make a folder for the old url, and create a .htaccess just to redirect?
If you still have the old domain, then yes, that is what I was suggesting.
But for that, you need to keep the old domain for a while.
to be clear - I was talking only about the SSL error
old site is gone, I only pointed dns to the new server when client told me they wanted redirect set up
or are you just talking about the registered domain name?
Old site is gone, but do you still own the domain?
I am talking about the registered domain name.
Because that is where requests to os.com will go first.
I don't think you need anything there except the htacess file, and maybe, as MrKapowski said, an SSL. That part I don't know about.
it's needed.
The TLS connection happens before the server redirects
if a valid cert is not in place, any requests to "https://os.com" will throw an error before being redirected
So, there you go.
is it possible to place the ns.com domain as the "A record" of the os,com, and have it go from there?
not as an A record, no
A records are something like www
you might be able to use a CNAME
but I've not had much success with those, personally
but doesn't leave the url in the browser looking like the old site?
maybe? it's been a while since I used one. That's why you're better setting up a proper redirect on the server, including the SSL
[tantek] joined the channel
Search Engines will prefer that too.
http://os.com -> https://ns.com should work no bother without the cert, but if you need https://os.com to redirect, I'm afraid you do need one (in my experience)
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
ok, I'll grab one from Lets Encrypt, and see if that solves this. Thx to both of you for the help
no problem at all - hope it works for you :-)
[Zegnat] and [jgarber] joined the channel
Yeah. Me too.
[frank], tantek_, [benatwork], [jk], [tmiller], [cleverdevil], [schmarty], [gRegorLove] and M[AXEL]Darr[m] joined the channel
actually trying to think about how I will rebuild that feature, be nice if I didn't have to manually add everything and it could be just parsed
[tantek], macerbi[m]1, [Jamey_Sharp], [jackjamieson], gRegorLove, [schmarty], mikeal7394[m], [cleverdevil], [jgmac1106], wagle, [fluffy], vasa[m]1, [gRegorLove], [aaronpk] and [jk] joined the channel