#wordpress 2019-06-30

2019-06-30 UTC
[anomalily], [michellejl], gRegorLove, [fluffy], [cleverdevil], [gRegorLove], [Andi], [tmiller], [jackjamieson], chrisaldrich, [jgmac1106], [tantek], [aaronpk], tbbrown, [jeremycherfas], [frank], [infominer], [Rose], chris4, [Chris_Ede], [Micah_Silverman, jeremych_, Akshay[m]1, cesarosum[m], [kevinmarks786], gorhgorh[m]2, rklaehn[m]1, prtfw[m], maparent[m], [tonz], chris[m]17, nekr0z and [Vanessa] joined the channel
Sigh. For a minute I thought I’d actually got Indigenous to work. It didn’t return a microsub error, which was a result, but returned a micropub 403 when trying to post. As ever, I can see a token for it, but something’s wrong. One step forward, two steps back!
[Jamey_Sharp] joined the channel
Can I help?
[tantek] joined the channel
I’m sure you can! I’m not really sure where to start. I know I get the error messages when checking the Indieauth script thing - & none of the fixes to add to .htaccess seem to make any difference. But, I could still log into Indigenous using my domain & it created the token.
Today’s progress was that I used the Aperture plugin and that seemed to work, as I didn’t get the microsub error message - so I fixed one thing. 😇 I’ve had trouble with Quill in the past and Indiebookclub has never worked - or should I say my WordPress has never let them work...
As you know, I’m not very clued up on this, just trying to muddle through!
Do you have the Indieauth plugin installed and tested?
Installed yes.
If you mean tested by running that script, then it fails. It didn’t use to fail, but does now.
Wonder what changed
Did you ask your provider?
tbbrown joined the channel
I haven’t - not sure I’d know what to ask them, to be fair. I use Dreamhost. Plus, I would have thought if it didn’t work I’d not be able to log in using my domain, or am I mixing things up?
You are the second person in 24 hours who told me that Dreamhost used to work but doesn't anymore
gRegorLove joined the channel
Hmm, that’s a bit suspicious isn’t it. Curses to them - only renewed my hosting a couple of months ago!
But the above with the instructions in the app should fix it, most likely
[gRegorLove] and jeremych_ joined the channel
I think I saw that page earlier. I found an existing .htaccess file and added in the bits in the error message page, but nothing seemed to happen. Maybe I should try one and then wait a bit longer, to check they don’t work. I’ll have another go.
I wish this would not happen
I am considering changing the instructional text though if you have any thoughts
Me too! The text seems clear, although I wasn’t sure if the first SetEnvIf was on 2 lines or just one. I think I put it on two and got a total site error, so made it one and it was ok. I’m never too good on whitespaces/line feeds etc in code. 😞
There is someone at the Summit who used to work for Dreamhost. I wonder if he has a contact
Hmm, might be handy. Dear Dreamhost, stop breaking Indieweb!! I don’t fancy having to switch hosting, really.
Lots of hosts seem to block this
That’s not good, not if Indieweb is going to gain any kind of traction with us “normals” - getting hosting and installing WordPress, creating child themes, modifying functions.php so Webmentions work properly, comments are automatically opened etc, is more than enough for most of us. Running our own servers is a bit of a step too far, as would be using other site generators. I keep thinking I might try, and I go look at Hugo, Grav
the skills, or the time to learn them, really.
Ah, ok, after adding the first suggested solution, the error code has changed from 403 to 401, in Indigenous. Whatever that means…
401 is what I would expect
What does the settings page say?
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Well theory is that if you use any other cms on that same host you would probably have the same problems. Unless you use some sort of wordpress specific hosting that the host has more shut down
OK, second time around, the second option seems to have passed the Indieauth script test! Thanks - I must have done something wrong before and needed the push to persevere. It’s difficult, when you don’t fully understand all this, to have the courage to press on! Of course, I’m fully aware that I’d be nowhere without you guys!
I have really tried to get this easier, but I am not sure how
Yeah, true, I’d have to switch hosting. I’m on shared hosting - I get the impression if I paid for a VPS then I’d have more access.
[schmarty] joined the channel
The former Dreamhost guy has advised his willingness to reach out
I think the instructions are pretty clear - I must just have done something wrong. There is one thing I do tend to worry about: where in the code do I insert the new text. It may not matter, but to someone presented with a chunk of stuff they don’t understand, that in itself is a bit daunting. Maybe “you can insert these on a new line anywhere in the text”. I know it sounds obvious, but trust me, to a non-coder (or very lapsed
It has worked!! My blog now has a post sent from Indigenous! Thank you for the moral support. It’s maybe worth the guy mentioning to Dreamhost that they are making things difficult for Indiewebbers. There’s a marketing opportunity for them - commit to being Indieweb-friendly and get/retain customers. Or for some other host, if anyone was prepared to work with you guys…
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Now I just need to find out what else I can do with the app, other than just post to my blog…
[snarfed] joined the channel
[Vanessa]++ for perserverance; you are ahead of me.
[Vanessa] has 4 karma over the last year
Says the guy who has done a lot more work on his site over the years! I’m half-cheating by using WordPress and standing on the back of the giants in this Slack who have worked so hard…
But the point is, you are using Indigenous, and I am not.
Ah, ok. Well, one post. I don’t know how to add things to it to use it as a reader, yet. I’m sure there’s a way. I imagine that, now the Indieauth is working, I could make better use of Quill and also the Indiebookclub, although I’ve set up a category in WP so I’ve been posting updates to there anyway.
You need to add feeds
[mapkyca] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
I guessed, just doesn’t seem to be obvious where, or how. Again, probably user ignorance 🙂
In Indigenous or other readers?
Android or iOS version?
Indigenous on iOS.
[Vanessa]: Regrettably, I've never used it
I’m hopeful I’ll figure it out.
[jackjamieson] joined the channel
[Vanessa], are you using Aperture as your Microsub server?
Yes, I believe I am - I installed the WordPress plugin and it seems to have worked.
If so, you can add feeds from within Aperture. Unless I’m missing it, Indigenous for iOS doesn’t have a UI for adding feeds
Or, if you try using Together (https://alltogethernow.io) as a Microsub client, you can manage channels and feeds there
Ah, that might explain why I can’t find it! I don’t feel quite so thick now… OK, I’ll try that. I didn’t log into Aperture myself, the plugin did it for me, so I’ll have to figure out how to access it.
If you go to https://aperture.p3k.io, you should be able to log in with your domain name
[jeanmacdonald] joined the channel
Thanks, trying that now.
[davidmead] and gRegorLove joined the channel
And it works. Excellent!
tbbrown, gRegorLove_, j12t and [aaronpk] joined the channel
Nice! That’s great
[anomalily], [Rose], [tantek], Maxwell, [snarfed], [infominer], [kitt], gRegorLove_, j12t and [Dave_Peck] joined the channel
If anyone remote needs WordPress help, or wants to join the WordPress hack session, we're in the Orange room
[aaronpk], [cleverdevil], [grantcodes], gRegorLove, [Andi], j12t, [fluffy], [Jamey_Sharp], [jgmac1106], wagle, [tantek], tbbrown, [eddie], sabrewing, [Dave_Peck], [Michael_Beckwit, dougbeal|mb1 and [snarfed] joined the channel