#wordpress 2019-07-04

2019-07-04 UTC
ben_thatmust, gRegorLove, [tantek], [KevinMarks], [grantcodes] and [Rose] joined the channel
Are there any IndieWeb themes for WP suitable for podcasts?
What makes a theme specifically "suitable for podcasts"? (I assume you have some requirements in mind)
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Rose I used a plugin it worked fine
Seriously Simple Podcasting
You could easily ecit this to add an h-entry but there aren't any podcatchers consuming mf2 so I never bothered
It is free but they hide that fact
[tonz] and [Rose] joined the channel
I already have all the plugins, just wondered if there was a theme
I'll probably use Autonomie again if there isn't oen.
[frank] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[Rose] post kinds has an audio post type and you can use category foe title and tag for episode but I don't think you get the XML Apple loves
I am willing to consider adding podcast tags to audio archives
The key gwg is to look at the exact setup apple wants. I would make it a dropdown of category choices. IMO hardest part of validation
[frank] joined the channel
The category stuff.. I have seen it
I want to improve it for the Indieweb podcast which uses only Post Kinds
I have other podcasts that use podcast plugins
I have some minor things,. like podcast art, to address as well
I have been thinking about my IndieAuth problem
I think I am going to have to add a setting to lock who is representing the domain that mirrors the one built into Indieweb
[fluffy] joined the channel
Can I safely enforce unique website URLs per user account...as in, only one user on the site can have a specific website in their profile?
Safely as in, is there a scenario where two WordPress users on the same website would want to set the same URL in their user profile?
[pfefferle]: Do you have an opinion on this?
[tonz] joined the channel
@gwg I have multiple users all me for diff roles (posted through mail, admin, me as editor etc.) but 'this is a 1 person site' is set, so that's the signL
But you don't use all of them for IndieAuth,do you?
brett-soric joined the channel
No, just 1 of them
WidgetBotiocli1[, gRegorLove and [tantek] joined the channel
So, a setting for that should work
chrisaldrich joined the channel; brett-soric left the channel
GWG, Ideally the WordPress multi-user site would do a 1 to 1 and onto mapping of users and the url for their auth account. If there's an exception to this on a multi-user site, it could be for a single admin/root user that could potentially use one of two URLs (their author account and the root URL).
But in the interest of simplicity, I think I'd better not make that exception and insist on 1:1
And enforce unique URLs in the URL field in the user profile.
I've been thinking about alternate scenarios and I couldn't imagine many/any wordpress admins setting up sites that would even do this.
Do which?
Multi-author site that would allow users to use more than one url for auth...
Most would likely have tonz's case...
Potentially business-based sites would have the primary identity be the corporation, but with multiple authors who create content for the corporation.
In this case, they'd just use their author URL to use Micropub clients.
I actually suspect this is a huge market for some of the micropub clients.... I know a lot of developers and agencies who spend a lot of time cutting UI out of WordPress or other CMSes to make things easier for their clients. Why do that if Micropub clients only give you the 2-3 fields you need to have for particular content types?
So I probably need to ensure the user profile URL is a unique one.
I need to lock things down a bit, as right now, it could be an issue
I also have to figure out where web sign in fits in
And all these use cases
Should users have user profile pages?
[dougbeal] joined the channel
Slightly different question... but that might also solve the h-card problem
But out of scope
[jgmac1106], [fluffy], [Michael_Beckwit, [grantcodes] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel