[jgmac1106][Rose] post kinds has an audio post type and you can use category foe title and tag for episode but I don't think you get the XML Apple loves
[tonz]@gwg I have multiple users all me for diff roles (posted through mail, admin, me as editor etc.) but 'this is a 1 person site' is set, so that's the signL
chrisaldrichGWG, Ideally the WordPress multi-user site would do a 1 to 1 and onto mapping of users and the url for their auth account. If there's an exception to this on a multi-user site, it could be for a single admin/root user that could potentially use one of two URLs (their author account and the root URL).
chrisaldrichPotentially business-based sites would have the primary identity be the corporation, but with multiple authors who create content for the corporation.
chrisaldrichI actually suspect this is a huge market for some of the micropub clients.... I know a lot of developers and agencies who spend a lot of time cutting UI out of WordPress or other CMSes to make things easier for their clients. Why do that if Micropub clients only give you the 2-3 fields you need to have for particular content types?