MrKapowskiWG - how do I get the IndieAuth plugin to stop returning the author profile URL in the token instead of the main site URL? My logins to Monocle/Aperture are broken by the update
[JuJu]In the plugin it says "If you want to customize the look of the display, you can create a directory in your theme called kind_views, copy the file from the views directory of the plugin, and modify it." - Have made a folder in indieweb-post-kinds and copied the kind-note.php to the new folder. But what goes in the .php?
[grantcodes]I think you should copy the file from `wp-content/plugins/indieweb-post-kinds/views/kind-note.php` to `wp-content/themes/your-theme/kind_views/kind-note.php`
[JuJu]Thanks [xavierroy] - I managed to modify the name and descriptions. It would be different if I wanted to change the url's? for example from .com/kind/note to .com/kind/new-name ?
MrKapowski[JuJu] by default there's nothing in the Note template - it's just a short post. Take a look in the Like or Photo templates for better examples
[kimberlyhirsh]When I'm getting Twitter replies containing only gifs as webmentions via Bridgy, they show up as a comment with "This Article was mentioned on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>". Anybody done any work on getting the comment with gif to display? Would this best be filed as a bridgy issue?
Loqi[Jack Jamieson] Description
Yarns Microsub Server helps you follow feeds from across the Web. Enter a website and Yarns will help you find and subscribe to its feed(s) in several different formats (Microformats, RSS, Atom, JSONFeed). Once you’ve added feeds, new ...
[tonz][jackjamieson] I’ve upgraded in WP to Yarns 1 (prompted by WP itself). But I can’t seem to find the settings screen for Yarns anymore, where to maintain the subscriptions.
[tonz]I already see the issue: after updating, the plugin wasn’t activated by default. (I guess because I upgraded from a beta to the first version?) After activation all is as expected.