#wordpress 2019-07-29

2019-07-29 UTC
kor, [Rose], [Michael_Beckwit, gRegorLove, [snarfed] and [mapkyca] joined the channel
prtksxna did you try to combine all js into one file before?
that's will make the website run faster
[KevinMarks] and MrKapowski joined the channel
WG - how do I get the IndieAuth plugin to stop returning the author profile URL in the token instead of the main site URL? My logins to Monocle/Aperture are broken by the update
[pfefferle] joined the channel
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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[pfefferle] #145 Fix plugin installer
[JuJu] joined the channel
Hello! Is it possible to change the names of the kinds in the Post Kinds plugin?
In the plugin it says "If you want to customize the look of the display, you can create a directory in your theme called kind_views, copy the file from the views directory of the plugin, and modify it." - Have made a folder in indieweb-post-kinds and copied the kind-note.php to the new folder. But what goes in the .php?
[grantcodes] joined the channel
[JuJu] if you copied the file it should already have code in it
I think you should copy the file from `wp-content/plugins/indieweb-post-kinds/views/kind-note.php` to `wp-content/themes/your-theme/kind_views/kind-note.php`
Ok, I'll try. Had put it in `wp-content/plugins/indieweb-post-kinds` the first time
Location should be correct now. Code shown is `<?php
* Note Template
[xavierroy] joined the channel
[JuJu] once you've copied the kind_views folder to your theme, try tweaking the kind-note.php and see if it reflects in your site
[JuJu] If you're looking to tweak the name "note", then you have to edit the /includes/class-kind-taxonomy.php file
jgmac1106 joined the channel
Thanks [xavierroy] - I managed to modify the name and descriptions. It would be different if I wanted to change the url's? for example from .com/kind/note to .com/kind/new-name ?
Why would you want to? As opposed to adding different ones?
what's your site
Seems if you are changing everything you should add new, which doesn't require editing the plugin files
He wants to rename note to something else, I htink
MrKapowski joined the channel
[JuJu] by default there's nothing in the Note template - it's just a short post. Take a look in the Like or Photo templates for better examples
I just hesitate to advise people to edit plugin files directly
It means overwrite on any update
Much rather figure out the use case and try to work with it
Editing the plugin files, for example, locked chrisaldrich into a lower version because he hasn't had time to fix his edits.
It's just generally bad practice in wordpress anyway
[grantcodes]: Exactly
So, when chrisaldrich did it, I responded to his need by adding functionality he could use to achieve that goal without editing the plugin files.
He wanted to add extra kinds, so there's now a function for that.
As well as a function to change the names.
Although admittedly note the slug
I think it's probably reasonable to have those set, and not editable. But probably wouldn't be hard to run them through a filter anyway
[grantcodes]: Everything but the slug is editable.
The slug is hard to edit as that is how some of the functionality is working
[JuJu], [eddie], [timothy_chamber, [schmarty] and [kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
When I'm getting Twitter replies containing only gifs as webmentions via Bridgy, they show up as a comment with "This Article was mentioned on <a href="https://brid-gy.appspot.com/comment/twitter/kimberlyhirsh/1155842497299566592/1155842810110783488" rel="nofollow">brid-gy.appspot.com</a>". Anybody done any work on getting the comment with gif to display? Would this best be filed as a bridgy issue?
[kimberlyhirsh]: bridgy is doing the right thing it seems
Representing it as a video reply
But I suspect video posts as replies isn't considered very often
jeremych_, jackjamieson, [renem] and [eddie] joined the channel
I can look into that if you file the example
Webmentions are still my next project
[snarfed] joined the channel
yeah the bridgy reply mf2 looks ok to me. in-reply-to [kimberlyhirsh]'s post, with u-photo of the gif
(replies with photos are explicitly supported)
gRegorLove joined the channel
(er sorry u-video, not u-photo)
GWG, Yarns is finally on the WordPress plugin repository https://wordpress.org/plugins/yarns-microsub-server/
[Jack Jamieson] Description Yarns Microsub Server helps you follow feeds from across the Web. Enter a website and Yarns will help you find and subscribe to its feed(s) in several different formats (Microformats, RSS, Atom, JSONFeed). Once you’ve added feeds, new ...
[xavierroy] joined the channel
jackjamieson has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (11 in all channels)
Thanks xavierroy
[tantek], PaowZ_, [fluffy], [benatwork], [KevinMarks], [renem], [snarfed], [davidmead], [Rose], [grantcodes], [JuJu] and [tonz] joined the channel
jackjamieson has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (12 in all channels)
[jackjamieson] I’ve upgraded in WP to Yarns 1 (prompted by WP itself). But I can’t seem to find the settings screen for Yarns anymore, where to maintain the subscriptions.
[tonz] Do you have the IndieWeb plugin installed? If so, you should see 'Yarns Microsub Server' under the IndieWeb menu
If you don't have the IndieWeb plugin installed you should see the menu under 'Settings'
I already see the issue: after updating, the plugin wasn’t activated by default. (I guess because I upgraded from a beta to the first version?) After activation all is as expected.
[schmarty] joined the channel
Ah, I had the same issue when I updated. I don't know why it deactivated, but maybe you're right it's due to updating from a beta to final
[benatwork], [KevinMarks] and [cjwillcock] joined the channel
!tell jackjamieson well done getting yarns into WP!
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
jackjamieson has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (13 in all channels)