#wordpress 2019-08-02

2019-08-02 UTC
But I will have my first bug fix PR for webmention tonight
Fixes the whitelist that was broken and some other cleanups
Happy to brainstorm with anyone
[kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
WordPress embed works in comments, no plugin needed.
Good to know
I was going to change the Semantic Linkbacks plugin to support it
I think the next question I have is whether those are appearing in the comment source code as links rather than just text URLs because Bridgy/Semantic Linkbacks is backfeeding them with the <a> tag, or if it's because I have an autolinking plugin.
Semantic Linkbacks would display it as a mention, I think
[schmarty] joined the channel
have my list of plugins to try and contribute to, ready for tomorrow 😄
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
Look forward to hearing about it
Open issues
PHPCS review
PHPDocs review
We lack docs
I think we're up to date on PHPCS
i’m fine for getting paid for either. I have a lot of phpdoc experience with BuddyPress
even if paid for only 1 day
I should definitely document better
I agree
[xavierroy] joined the channel
one thing that need love is more view templates for post kinds 🙂
A plugin to edit the template from the admin instead of tweaking the code
[snarfed] joined the channel
[kimberlyhirsh] they're links (instead of text) because bridgy renders them that way
[Rose], Derek[m]1, [xavierroy] and [Zegnat] joined the channel
Ok, something has definitely changed in WP and now I'm logging into Aperture as https://rosemaryorchard.com/author/rosemaryjayne instead of https://rosemaryorchard.com/
Which is causing issues, understandably
[svandragt], [prtksxna], jeremych_, Krazydee, [tantek] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[Rose]: I made some modifications in the last update to the logic there. I may have introduced the issue
!tell [Rose] I'll work on fixing this tonight. I think my logic must have been off. I tested it, but...
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
dillon[m] and [Rose] joined the channel
No worries 🙂
Hey GWG 👋Any idea what might be going wrong with https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-semantic-linkbacks/issues/227 ?
[pfefferle] #227 HTML5 comments seems to overwrite facepiles
No. Haven't had a chance to look.
Since I was going to try and merge Semantic Linkbacks into Webmentions, I was going to do some fixes durng that process.
But I just got a critical login bug report from IndieAuth I need to check.
Too much to do, too little time.
Oh, let me know if I can help with any testing (with the critical bug)
Well, it is messing up people's logins and that can't stand.
So far, my test site doesn't have this problem, but my live site does.
I found the problem
A lowercase instead of a capital W
I should update my dreamhost `.htaccess` so that IndieAuth starts working 😓
Oh dear, capital letters caused me problems today too - lowercase instead of uppercase!
[Rose]: Depending on the Indieweb plugin is not good anyway
I am going to add the setting directly to the IndieAuth plugin
To decide which account gets root
Also may fix the subdirectory problem
Or try to
It means I have to detect that a site is not at the root of the domain and allow someone to use the root
[Rose]: Temporary fix is to go into /includes/functions.php and change Indieweb_Plugin to IndieWeb
Only I am not logged in as myself in Aperture still, hmm.
Seems that either I followed instructions incorrectly, or something is still amiss
Thankfully it's not urgent 🙂
[eddie], [JuJu] and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
fork all the things
@GWG which branch should I issue PRs against for post-kinds? master?
i’m assuming yes because it has the most recent commits 😄 and we can change PR branches later
Yes, we don't have a dev branch
All of the Indieweb plugins use master
Probably should think about that
IWC_SlackBot, [aaronpk] and [prtksxna] joined the channel
GWG: Is there an `$arg` to get only black icons when calling `get_syndication_links`?
[Michael_Beckwit and [schmarty] joined the channel
Yes, I believe so
It's a global setting
IWSlackGateway and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
I have to look about whether I allowed it on a per call basis
Wait... it's a stylesheet
Never mind
I should be able to change that.
I agree
[schmarty], [prtksxna], [mapkyca] and neoaboriginal1 joined the channel
I'd open an issue for jackjamieson to look into
{{done}} Thanks GWG
[jgmac1106], [prtksxna], neoaboriginal2, [schmarty]1, jackjamieson, [aaronpk], [KevinMarks] and [david] joined the channel
Howdy yall, came here with two questions, and see that [prtksxna] is already working on one with facepiles and html5 comments
Second, I've been recently updating my personal website theme in preparation of submitting for theme review on the w.org repo. I'm trying to ensure that my theme is compliant with schema, microformats2, and looks/works well with webmentions, semantic linkbacks, and syndication out of the box.
I'm looking for someone who has experience that would be willing to review it. I borrowed a bit from SemPress on the template parts of the theme https://github.com/davidwolfpaw/velox-theme
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
@GWG some extra stuff I’ve worked on today for Post Kinds that I haven’t issued a PR for yet https://github.com/tw2113/indieweb-post-kinds/commits/phpcs-and-phpdocs-cleanup
[pfefferle] was that PR meant to be approved even with the comment about DB ids?
[pfefferle] joined the channel
GWG already merged it but I would not recommend doing it
want a fresh PR? also curious what sort of fallback we want since we can’t rely on it
perhaps `$author_id = ( $authordata instanceof WP_User ) ? $authordata->ID : $author_id`
What about get_users and take the first of the response
`$author_id` is initially set to `get_option( 'iw_default_author', 1 )`
This shouldn‘t be either
i’ll get a fresh PR going with the get_users recommendation soon
Or do you think it is not problematic? [dshanske] [Michael_Beckwith]
i would think the default author value would be better, as get_users would probably turn up the primary admin user, which may not be desired to be the specified author
But the default author value also falls back to the 1 which is, if it exists, the admin
good point. Hrm
Or we should use get_users for the default user function?
hard to say
[tantek] joined the channel
i would definitely say at bare minimum, the first result from a get_users() call for admins. as the base
[snarfed] and [eddie] joined the channel
pfefferle, I see your point
hrm, not sure if I want to do any hardening of php notices for this one, because there should be at LEAST one item in this result
I would make that a function instead of having it inside the widget code
But that's only stylistic
your plugin, i’ll bend to help 😄
Actually I share it
But if you look, I designed the code to be able to be called outside the widget
So the same should apply to this logic
will keep massaging it then
[KevinMarks]1, [david]1 and [schmarty] joined the channel
gotta go for a bit, but i’ll probably continue a bit more later 😄
[jgmac1106], kevinbird15[m], ScottSmiley[m] and SirMemesALot[m] joined the channel