#wordpress 2019-08-04

2019-08-04 UTC
IWSlackGateway, [xavierroy], [Rose], [Lewis_Cowles], [jgmac1106], [prtksxna], jeremych_, [KevinMarks], [mapkyca], [zach], [fluffy], [snarfed], dopplergange and [grantcodes] joined the channel
[Rose]: Did the update address your issue?
jgm[m] joined the channel
I did not update yet, I reverted before 😛
There's an explicit setting now
So it will hopefully alleviate the guessing
[jgmac1106], [schmarty], [snarfed], [KevinMarks], [Michael_Beckwit, [Rose] and [tantek] joined the channel
Hey GWG,snarfed, does the Micropub plugin work with *any* token endpoint (e.g. using IndieAuth.com) or is it assuming that you are using the IndieAuth *plugin* for the token endpoint?
And secondly, if you're using IndieAuth.com for your token endpoint (instead of the WP IndieAuth plugin), and you're granting permission to your root domain, while the Micropub plugin is installed in a WordPress in a directory like /blog, then would the plugin get confused about whether a particular token provides write access or not? (write access perms at plain domain vs looking for write access perms in a directory of that domain)
cc: [David_Bryant]
[tantek]: If you don't have the IndieAuth plugin active, it defaults to IndieAuth.com
[tantek]: And yes, it does. That is related the bug I just fixed in the IndieAuth plugin where it was getting confused.
And Microsub uses the Micropub indieauth code when Indieauth isn't enabled
Interesting. So it sounds like one might need to disable/deactivate the IndieAuth plugin in order to fully use an external service like IndieAuth.com
[tantek]: Not might
GWG, that's something we could make more clear, especially for WordPress users that have their blog installed in a directory but want to use their domain as their identity
I thought GWG was fixing the plugin to be able to handle that case
that's orthogonal to what
works or not *now*
currently it doesn't work, and there's an open GitHub issue we can point to for further swtatus
I have no timeline on fixing it for that case
I just hardened the primary use case.
exactly, that's reasonable
The only reason I still maintain the remote indieauth code is for others.
I want to split it into its own library so Microsub and Micropub can use the same code.
More generally, we need to document how to setup IndieWeb plugins on a WordPress blog which is installed in a directory, while using the domain as your identity
because that's a common enough use-case
and should be *ok* for folks to setup like that
[David_Bryant] joined the channel
Related to [tantek]'s comments/questions, I'm continuing to try enabling IndieWeb services using my site (orangemoose.com) and WordPress based blog (orangemoose.blog). I've disabled the IndieAuth plug-in for WordPress and set up authentication to point at indieauth.com instead, though the micropub endpoint on my site still point at WordPress.
[David_Bryant]: That should work, although I never tested any of those use cases.
Eventually I will
Strangely, when I attempt to post via Quill I can authenticate properly but the post generates the following error:
```HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Date: Sun, 04 Aug 2019 22:43:07 GMT
Server: Apache
Content-Length: 266
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
a 301 to the exact same URL seems like a bug in the Micropub Plugin
oh no Loqi
IWSlackGateway joined the channel
I'm trying to remember if the Micropub does a redirect
aha quill thinks the micropub endpoint is www
and wordpress or the web server is sending a redirect to no-www
[David_Bryant] joined the channel
RIght -- I've configured the domain hosting (via Dreamhost) to do that.
RIght has -1 karma over the last year
I authed without www, though.
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
so i'm guessing wordpress thinks the site still has www
it's buried deep in the settings tables in a bunch of places
Yes, you can rewrite that. Search and Replace plugin
Would it matter if the micropub <link> in my home page used www or not?
yes, it needs to not have www, otherwise quill is going to post to the www version, and the web server will send back that redirect
Let me try that...
wordpress will still need to be told that your website has no www, otherwise weird stuff like this will still crop up
Use the Search and Replace plugin to replace every instance of www. with no www
OK. Removed 'www' from the micropub endpoint <link> in my home page and Quill successfully posted.
And will comb through WordPress settings to make sure I don't have 'www' anywhere...
do I need the indieauth plugin to have IndieBookClub successfully authenticate against my WP site?
i installed micropub already
IndieAuth is for self-hosted IndieAuth
If you don't have it, you use remote Indieauth
maybe I’m mis-interpreting it slightly. Is IndieBookClub more like a webmention source? in terms of it posting to a provided endpoint for you
webhook is the word i’m thinking
It is simply a Micropub client
perhaps my question is best as: Should I be having to do anything custom on my site’s end to properly consume the data posted to it? or with https://wordpress.org/plugins/micropub/ should it be getting handled already?
Not inherently.
don’t mind my questions as i continue integrating and wrapping head around everything
[jgmac1106] joined the channel