#wordpress 2019-08-28
2019-08-28 UTC
[grantcodes], [fluffy], [schmarty], gRegorLove, tbbrown and jhsheridan joined the channel; AXEL-LeeDiscord[ left the channel
# jhsheridan Hi everyone... I'm in the process of implementing post kinds on my site. Can someone help me better understand the purpose of the "response" section that is inserted into each post
# jhsheridan It appears underneath the title for me. And all that I see is an icon (only for certain post types) and a border
# jhsheridan can you explain what you mean by context?
# jhsheridan Well I've got articles, photos, bookmarks, videos, and notes as test posts so far
# jhsheridan Is the response area just supposed to be a visual indicator of the kind of post?
# jhsheridan I think maybe just the name "response" is confusing me.
# jhsheridan yeah the section class
# jhsheridan I was thinking of it in terms of someone responding to the post
# jhsheridan ohhh... I think maybe I understand it now. So for a video post kind. If I post a link from youtube, I should think of it in terms of here is a link from youtube and Im posting my response to it here on my site.
# jhsheridan Is that the correct way to think of it?
# jhsheridan where an an article or a note is something that I generate myself, so it's not a response to content that exists elsewhere
# jhsheridan It could just be me. Thank you so much for clarifying.
# jhsheridan that makes sense
# jhsheridan Is there a way to override the html output for each post kind?
# jhsheridan I feel like I saw that somewhere a while back, but I'm having a hard time finding it now.
# Ruxton https://github.com/dshanske/indieweb-post-kinds/tree/master/views <-- yu can override any of these in your theme
# jhsheridan exactly what I was looking for... thanks to both of you
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
# [Michael_Beckwit fair warning, new end of month, new "5 for the future" day on friday, so chances are i'll once again be in indieweb plugin code
# [Michael_Beckwit Matt Mullenweg outlined it something like dedicating 5% of your work week to open source/WP community
# [Michael_Beckwit we take it pretty seriously at my employer, but instead of doing 2hr/week, we make it a whole day worth
# [Michael_Beckwit but only 1 day for the month
# [Michael_Beckwit i kind of want to get deeper into webmentions as it is one of the plugins i've actually started using and trying to utilize
jhsheridan, [mapkyca] and Arye joined the channel
# jhsheridan I'm interested to know how you guys are handling titles within wordpress
# jhsheridan Are you titling things for your own use and then hiding the titles for certain post kinds?
# jhsheridan Or are you just not using them at all for certain post kinds?
[jgmac1106] and [xavierroy] joined the channel
# [xavierroy] some kinds like articel do have a title
# [xavierroy] usually with post kinds, some posts do not have a title like notes and reads and wataches
# [xavierroy] most people usually have the timestamp as a port title for the titleless posts
[tonz] joined the channel
# [tonz] not sure whom to address this question to: when I use Bridgy in WP to posse to Twitter or Flickr, those show up as syndication channels in micropub clients like Quill. I also use the Mastodon for WP plugin to POSSE to my Mastodon account (not using my blog as AP itself) What does it take to have that Mastodon plugin to show up in micropub as syndication endpoint
[xavierroy] joined the channel
# [xavierroy] Fed.brid.gy?
[jgmac1106], tbbrown and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
[tantek], jay2 and [snarfed] joined the channel
[schmarty] joined the channel
[manton], [jgmac1106], rauhl, [fluffy], [benatwork], [KevinMarks], tbbrown, [Michael_Beckwit, [vendan], gRegorLove and [tantek] joined the channel