#wordpress 2019-09-04

2019-09-04 UTC
qotta, [fluffy] and zee joined the channel
This is turning out well
New setting in webmentions to enable webmentions by post type
[xavierroy] joined the channel
[dshanske] Is it available or to be released?
[xavierroy]: Working on finishing the PR, then pfefferle has to review it.
He's still on vacation
is there an issue filed for the post property fields losing value when edited?
[xavierroy]: In webmentions?
Isn't that Post Kinds?
If it is specifically author, yes.
yes. for post kinds.. not sure if we discussed it before...
If it is the question about when using quick edit to change post kind...it is why I disabled quick edit
It happens for me through normal edit
I think there is an example of that I logged in Post Kinds
[xavierroy] #285 Teacup posts lose title if the post is edited
[dshanske] #221 Attachments
gRegorLove, Mr-0dday_, ichoquo0Aigh9ie, [KevinMarks], [Rose], jhsheridan, [tonz], [grantcodes], [tonz]1, jhsheridan_, [jgmac1106], jgmac1106 and [Will_Monroe] joined the channel
Good morning fellow WP indieweb folks
If you have experience using Brid.gy with WordPress on Reclaim Hosting and would like to share your knowledge about how you overcame "Couldn't resolve URL" errors, I would love to chat with you some time: https://www.pastiebin.com/5d6fa1e66843a
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
I need to find out if bitninja, a security tool they use, messes with brid.gy not sure
Deadline? No HTTP response? Sounds a lot like FW DROP to me IF the service was up and running
May be a drain bucket system. Too many requests from IP $x
I haven't contacted Reclaim yet but they've always been super helpful. Hoping to provide a bit more context than I currently have.
Well _if_ there is an HTTP response you'd usually get a FORBIDDEN or NOT FOUND or BAD GATEWAY or something useable. On a connection DROP you get a TIMEOUT and no nothing. This is usually made to slow down attackers/spammers since they may be waiting for a result they may compute for further steps. Chances to find the requests in a webserver log and match by URL and TIMESTAMP? I'd wager they don't even show
@bekomotion[m] this sounds like it's likely that Reclaim's firewall rules or something similar might be affecting Brid.gy's HTTP requests? Do I understand what you're saying correctly?
[Will_Monroe] i started a category/thread for WP on Reclaim Forums
Yeah, probably. If it would REJECT your request (by firewall) you'd get a plain connection error immediately
A DROP is really nasty πŸ™‚
@bekomtion[m] so something other than a firewall but still affecting HTTP requests. Got it. Thank you!
[jgmac1106] thank you! I'll look for that thread.
DROP is a firewall technique. It's just different to a plain REJECT since it leaves you wondering what went wrong.
Another thought: It's my fault for clicking "poll" and "crawl now" on Brid.gy after submitting the
the WP post with Bridgy
No. Your website doesn't even get the requests. They just have a sentry in place that detects a massive rise of requests on your site and since it doesn't know it's IP it slows it down with this. PROBABLY.
They probably file it as DOS attack.
We had a customer once that settled with an ISP that prohibited "heavy load" scripts like trackers. So when they discovered a self hosted Piwik (nowadays Matomo) due to a similar ticket asking for troubleshooting they flat out shut down that account without any warning or notice. Didn't matter that the customer left a 4 digit sum there each months. Can't make this up o0
…and the load on that Piwik was a joke πŸ˜†
[Will_Monroe] again I am pretty sure some url associated with Bridgy got picked up by bitninja, if mwmory severs me correct snarfed helped me hunt it down
But the rate limit could be different security tool
No idea on that *shrug*. I do iptables and not magic πŸ™‚
This said I also do utilize various blacklists.
[tantek], [schmarty], [fluffy], [prtksxna], [calumryan], bnh^, [jgmac1106], gRegorLove, [snarfed] and [Will_Monroe] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] thank you! That sounds like a specific question I could bring to Reclaim. At least I could rule that out if it's not the cause.
DerrickFDiscord[ joined the channel
Sorry I missed the troubleshooting
[fluffy] joined the channel
[dshanske] I'm sure that I will discover new opportunities for troubleshooting πŸ™‚. My WP instance is going through a few growing pains as I explore new features (Brid.gy, microsub, etc.)
I'd love to hackaway as well on the plugins but… really limited time with two toddlers and geez… it's PHP ☹️ I had to fix my way through an inhouse Laravel app today. First time I really touched PHP in years and I totally know again why I didn't miss this at all ☹️ No offence.
@bekomotion[m] what a coincidence, I also have two under two!
I don't mind contributions through documentation and issue filing
[dshanske] I appreciate that. Once I am able to isolate my issue to one of the Indieweb plugins or themes I use (I'm currently using IW26), I will do that.
Great. I always feel like a nitpicker when I raise a ticket =)
I make no promises to prioritize
No worries. If the itch is bad enough I'll simply scratch myself πŸ˜‰
This said is the author or Yarns Microsub Server around?
What's the problem? I know the code
There are various issues with the JS. I wonder if he'd like merge requests to improve this. Project doesn't have a styleguide for this tho and the style of this file is… unknown to me.
jackjamieson joined the channel
One Ping Only? =)
o/ jackjamieson 😁
o/ bekomotion[m]
Great microsub server. Using it for ~2 weeks now. It's getting crowded.
Nice! How's it running? I have a fairly short list of feeds I follow so I hope it handles larger lists well
I wondered if you'd like merge requests and if you've an particular style for JS. There's nothing in the project that suggests this. I'd like to improve it.
tbf probably good. I've a feeling that Monocle is the slowest link in the chain but I didn't look close enough yet. Still gathering all my feeds.
Didn't see any unusual load
I'm absolutely open to pull requests! Lots of room for improvement and I'm happy to see your ideas
I'd start with an .editorconfig and at least an .eslint file so any dev can auto adjust their IDE. Basically what phpcs is doing for PHP.
I'm also not feeling comfortable with 10x indenting. This is a safe sign that it's written way to complicated.
I have no doubt that it's a bit over complicated. I've been learning as I go
In that case respect. Much. πŸ™‚
I think most of the cases with lots of indenting are due to error-checking - There's a fair amount of `if x exists -> if x[value] exists` etc. to avoid php warnings. I suspect there's a more eloquent way to do that
I'm just on the JS side since it breaks when adding a new channel so I digged into this
I had some luxury of time since I could incorporate developing Yarns into my dissertation research, but mostly I could learn a lot from GWG
Ah, right. I saw your issue - nice catch! The JS definitely has room for improvement.
Something that really bugged me is also that it silently skips adding new channels when the name exists already. API comes back with 200 success but no new channel is added so there is probably something off too.
I'll add an issue for that
Just noticed this yesterday and was going to dig into it first but since you're around :)
jackjamieson: so you have no experience with async in JS yet? Did I get this right?
The code as you see it is about the culmination of my JS knowledge :)
I see. It's good for that. Really. What makes it hard to read is the so called (haha) "callback hell".
Yeah, and to add to things, there's a lack of consistency with response messages. I wrote most of the javascript early in the project, and in fact most of it is ported from the previous version of Yarns which was even earlier
Currently poking in the source. I'd feel better with a build chain so I could use interfaces but that'd totally over the top here. Don't want to pollute this with all the shiny JS glitter we have nowadays.
Unfortunately, I have less time for coding than I used to, since the bulk of my schedule needs to go to writing for the next while. So I'm happy to accept PRs, but I can't commit to major changes on my end
But as long as you don't mind me having a slightly slow pace to review and merge, it'd be great if you want to make changes :)
Works for me. I'm a slow pacer as well. there's simply too much going on and in fact I have to read into jquery again as well. This is kinda last web-decade stuff [for me] πŸ˜†
[tantek] joined the channel
Yeah, jquery is pretty easy, but long in the tooth. That said, I feel like some of the more modern frameworks could be overkill for this. But then again, I've steadily been moving away from front-end development so it could just be my lack of knowledge there
jquery is fine. It's just that one has to write JS like 10 years ago to not break that IE9+ "promise" of jquery. So one needs either a build chain with babel or ommit this and write code like 10 years ago.
GeorgeXieDiscord and VictorGDiscord[m joined the channel
Found a styleguide for jquery. Looks like to run some auto formatting on this that looks a lot like their suggested style. So will use.
* Found a styleguide for jquery. Looks like you run some auto formatting on this that looks a lot like their suggested style. So will use.
Cool! I'm glad that you like Yarns enough to contribute!
[dougbeal] joined the channel
CL3334[m], [jeremycherfas] and [calumryan] joined the channel
bekomotion[m] Thanks! That's a good reference!
It's also probably obsolete again. I'm digging into this and it looks like Gutenberg is responsible for WP shifting to eslint and indeed a proper build chain.
[jgmac1106], [snarfed], dopplergange, [tantek], tbbrown and [KevinMarks] joined the channel