[Will_Monroe]For all of you who are interested in posting to Twitter from WP, my hosting provider appears to be unable to support Brid.gy. Are there alternatives that I could consider that would allow me to 1) post from WP to Twitter and/or 2) receive replies?
[fluffy], dougbeal|mb1 and [Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
[Will_Monroe]Reclaim Hosting. This Github issue may provide some information regarding the issues that were raised. I'm afraid that they are a little beyond me technically: https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/885. The issue is still open and it may yet be resolved but I wanted to investigate alternatives, if any existed.
[Will_Monroe]That's concerning. I've been with Reclaim for years and appreciate their service and how they cater to students and teachers. But that lack of support is very concerning.
[jgmac1106][Will_Monroe] send Jim and Tim a personal email saying as much. It's also wrong them being swamped with new customers. Lot of people like Dreamhost as an alternative
[Will_Monroe][dshanske] I appreciate that offer. I'm not quite sure how to proceed since many of the issues seem to be outside of a typical user's control. But I have a pretty vanilla WordPress indieweb setup. I'd be happy to try anything out that could yield more information.