#wordpress 2019-09-16
2019-09-16 UTC
[snarfed], gRegorLove, [Michael_Beckwit, dougbeal|mb1, t-mo, bostaDiscord[m], [pawel_madej], [Lewis_Cowles] and [tantek] joined the channel
beko[m] Hm… really unhappy with how post-kinds show up over ActivityPub. Can't exclude em and by the time I edit em later to add e.g. the Summary Quote of a Like also to the excerpt it's already syndicated and cached in the fediverse. Any ideas on that? Had the ActivityObjectType on Note (default). Trying Wordpress-Format now.

[jgmac1106] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
luca4, [schmarty] and [xavierroy] joined the channel
[xavierroy] I think I had raised an issue for activitypub for that
[snarfed], [pawel_madej] and gRegorLove joined the channel
[grantcodes] joined the channel
[tonz], [schmarty], [snarfed], [jgmac1106] and cambridgeport90 joined the channel
cambridgeport90 I've never gotten it to work; not sure which API to choose in order to be able to post locations via Indigenous.
[snarfed] joined the channel
[chrisbergr] joined the channel
[chrisbergr] Hi David, to provide theme support for post kinds you should add a '/' before and after the directory name 'kind_views' in class-kind-view.php:46

[chrisbergr] $look = apply_filters( 'kind_view_paths', array( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/kind_views/' ) );

[chrisbergr] Sure I do. I just debugged it and got 'C:\sites\localhost\wptest\public/wp-content/themes/themeberger-testkind_viewskind-reply.php' ... Don't know how this can work for someone 🙂

[chrisbergr] Just noticed you don't use the 'old' way, instead you're just including it? I think get_theme_file_uri may be worth a try. 🙂

[fluffy] joined the channel
[chrisbergr] Trying to use it for the 3rd time. My theme projects always run out of every frame I set.. Supporting all the indieweb related plugins, build in microformats and schema.org, good look for all post kind, variations for articles, pages and archives.. so sad

[chrisbergr] But this time I don't give up

[chrisbergr] Totally makes sense for plugins. But it's difficult for 2nd/3rd gen citizen to use the 3rd party plugins and frame it with a theme to make everything look like expected 😄

[chrisbergr] BTW: In your documentation about 'Theme Support' you wrote about removing the filters for content and excerpt. In the code I noticed that the priority is 9 instead of your mentioned 20, but anyways I don't get it affecting anything. The kind_display is still in the content. Do you have any hint for me? Do I need to wrap it in a specific action?

[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[chrisbergr] Everything's fine. I'm so happy to have those plugins 🙂

[chrisbergr] plugins_loaded don't do the job but wp_loaded works 🙂

[chrisbergr] function remove_kind_view() {

[chrisbergr] remove_filter( 'the_content', array( 'Kind_View', 'content_response' ), 9 );

[chrisbergr] add_action( 'wp_loaded', 'remove_kind_view' );

[chrisbergr] remove_filter( 'the_excerpt', array( 'Kind_View', 'excerpt_response' ), 9 );

[chrisbergr] Just in case you'd like to copy this to your documentation

[chrisbergr] Ok, before I go to bed (It's very late in germany) one last question about post kinds: Do I get it right that the plugin doesn't catch the e-content, only the p-name?

[chrisbergr] I mean I get the title, author and url of the other page I'm replying to, but not the content.

[chrisbergr] $cite['summary'] is not defined and I haven't seen something like $cite['content']