2019-10-19 UTC
[fluffy], [dmitshur], [jgmac1106], gRegorLove, [manton], [Lewis_Cowles], [aaronpk], [Rose], [christophe194], discord[m]2, [KevinMarks], [tantek], [barryf], [frank] and [tonz] joined the channel
# 11:06 [frank] Could I add another WordPress site in the Syndication Links settings? What would that other WP site need to accept posts from my site syndicated to the other?
# 11:08 [frank] That would make it easy for me to post on both my own site and indiewebcamp.nl
[jgmac1106] and joba joined the channel
# 13:24 GWG [frank] It was designed to extend easily.
# 13:25 GWG [Rose]: Do you actually want the archives in WordPress to calculate stats for the day/week/month?
# 13:30 [Rose] Because what I _think_ I need is to be able to calculate other data summaries and add them to those days/weeks/months
# 13:30 [Rose] (Also, onthisday/05/ doesn’t work for me? Should months work?)
# 13:32 GWG [Rose]: It shouldn't, the way I set the query
# 13:34 GWG The rewrite is onthisday/monthnum/day - And it is limited to 2 digits for each. So, I'm not sure what WordPress is doing if you add 4 digits.
# 13:37 Loqi [dshanske] #129 Add option to output as geojson
[Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
# 13:42 GWG And people said they had no suggestions for Simple Location
# 13:47 Loqi [dshanske] #111 Allow User Location Update API to accept other forms of upload
[dmitshur] and [frank] joined the channel
# 14:36 [frank] @GWG I know. I am just wondering hów to extend it. What would be the steps to take for me as an average programmer to make this possible. Or would it even be possible without any modifications under the hood?
# 14:37 GWG [frank]: You can do it in a separate plugin. No modification required.
# 14:38 [frank] You mean another plugin besides Syndication Links? Hmm.. OK.
# 14:41 GWG You can add a new provider to Syndication Links in a small second plugin.
[tonz] joined the channel
# 14:56 [frank] @GWG That would mean I'd have to write a plugin. Not a feasable task for me.
# 15:10 [tonz] [frank] making a plugin isn’t very difficult, having it do something is. But I suspect adding a new channel for syndication if we have examples shouldn’t be overly complex. Just a long slog of trial and error 😄 I’m happy to help / start as it would be useful for me too (running multiple WP sites after all)
# 15:11 [tonz] GWG at some point it should be just a few lines of code.
# 15:11 [tonz] GWG at some point said to me it should be just a few lines of code.
# 15:25 [frank] Well...if it will become a plugin that's usable within the IndieWeb plugin universe, it's worth a shot
# 15:25 GWG You want to POSSE to another WordPress site?
# 15:26 [frank] It's actual syndication of the full text and media to another self-hosted WordPress site.
[jacek] joined the channel
# 15:27 GWG It could probably be done with a variety of methods.
[fluffy], [snarfed], [schmarty] and dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
# 16:37 dougbeal|mb1 Rose: do you have a wp site live? I'm getting a wierd black bar on mobile safari on an iPad (same on David's site), trying to track it down. I couldn't find any position:fixed element when remote debugging.
# 16:38 dougbeal|mb1 Rose: or alternativly, do yo uhave a 13.2 beta ipad?
[jgmac1106], [dmitshur] and [dougbeal] joined the channel
# 17:55 GWG [dougbeal]: Did I ever ask you about your date format?
# 17:58 dougbeal|mb1 GWG: on my site?
# 18:00 GWG Why did you choose the one you did?
# 18:03 dougbeal|mb1 GWG: I don't recall ever choosing?
# 18:05 dougbeal|mb1 GWG: or at random during setup? I like writing dates YYYY-mm-dd
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
# 18:07 dougbeal|mb1 GWG: ooh, I see you have timezone
# 18:07 dougbeal|mb1 GWG I could go for that
# 18:08 GWG dougbeal|mb1: Go into General Settings on your site.
# 18:08 GWG Time and date format are there and the instructions on how to format custom
[Rose] joined the channel
# 18:10 GWG dougbeal|mb1: So I set my time to g:iA T, which is right now, 2:08PM EDT
# 18:11 GWG If you want a timezone offset, you can use P, which would show the offset.
[Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
# 18:11 GWG I wonder about relative time though.
# 18:42 dougbeal|mb1 maybe relative time with a tooltip with the full time?
# 18:43 GWG That may belong somewhere other than Simple Location though
# 18:44 GWG Simple Location adjusts the timezone
# 19:29 GWG Does optional relative time display belong in Simple Location?
# 19:32 dougbeal|mb1 It does seem like something the theme should decide?
# 19:33 GWG Well, I was looking at bundling a JS file that does it client side
# 19:34 GWG Simple Location does a lot of time stuff
fLsh42Discord[m] and damidam_ joined the channel
# 20:39 beko[m] GWG: when it comes to dates and JS `moment.js` is the way to go. Eases so much pain. Just in case that's not yet on your list, oc 🙂
# 20:40 beko[m] it does afair feature optimized builds. I use it a lot for SPAs so it doesn't matter much for me.
# 20:40 beko[m] * it does afair feature optimized builds. I use it for a lot for SPAs so it doesn't matter much for me.
# 20:41 GWG We'll see what I do. Haven't decided. Might punt
[qubyte], [snarfed], gRegorLove, dougbeal|mb1 and [dougbeal] joined the channel
[tantek] and [asuh] joined the channel
# 22:14 [asuh] Agree with GWG, moment.js is bloated in a bad way
[grantcodes] joined the channel