#wordpress 2019-11-03

2019-11-03 UTC
[tantek], [grantcodes], [jgmac1106], gRegorLove, [dougbeal], [Michael_Beckwit, GaryJ, [LewisCowles], Kaja__, beko_ and [fluffy] joined the channel
I've been developing my website for some time now and it's time for me to deploy it. I was thinking of deploying it with Google Cloud Kubernetes. My biggest concern is scalability. I'm confident with my developer knowledge but I fall short when it comes to the technical details with hosting. Can someone please advice my what route to take, maybe
host recommendations? or maybe how to insure I won't have problems when needing more service resources?
[tonz], stefanos82 and [frank] joined the channel
Goodmorning Indieweb. I am testing my WP Webmention plugin to see how I can show incoming webmentions to my homepage instead of a specific article. For this I made a test post on another site (https://frankmeeuwsen.xyz/2019/11/03/webmention-op-domein/) linking to my homepage https://diggingthedigital.com/ . But I now see my homepage doesn't advertise the webmention endpoint. Is this a setting in the backend I am missing or something else?
Where do I start to look for a solution?
For the record I have enabled Webmention support for both Post and Pages.
Well... I fixed the header-issue by adding `define( 'WEBMENTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_HEADERS', 1 );` to wp-config. But when I send a webmention through curl I get the error `{"code":"pings_closed","message":"Pings are disabled for this post","data":{"status":400}}`
I have no idea where to go next...
who want to get started with Webmentions and want to enable them on the homepage as well. I will file an issue on the repo later with a coherent explanation.
Hmm...So here's what I did next. Through the webmention plugin I configured "Set a page for mentions of the homepage to be sent to" to my About page. Then, in PHPMyAdmin I changed the ping_status of this about page from closed to open. Only then could I send a succesful webmention from my testsite. It doesn't show by default on the About page ( I don't know why) but at least it's something. It does bring some issues for regular WP users
[jgmac1106] and xdecimal joined the channel
WordPress sets pages to pings closed by default. Webmentions overrides that if you enable it for pages
But it still uses the same field
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
I know. But it looks like the Webmention plugin didn't override it. I still had to manually enable both discussion (ping_status) and comments (comment_status) at the page edit screen to enable webmention and to show them on the page.
And the thing is, with Gutenberg, you can't enable the discussion status at the edit screen of the page. You have to switch to the classic editor to do this.
It should work in Quick Edit, but it may be we switch from using ping status entirely
It was discussed
But too much to do always
[frank]: The issue was the pings open, not the headers flag though. If you had pings open on the page, that would have shown with or without the config setting
[Kasper_Nymand], [chrisbergr], [snarfed], [tantek], [manton] and [frank] joined the channel
Thanks GWG.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
GaryJ I've never used Google Cloud for that. It's there something specific about your site that makes you think you'll need large resources?
What is hosting?
Web hosting can be the primary regular cost in maintaining an IndieWeb site; this page lists several options from free on up depending on your publishing needs, like a static, shared, private, or dedicated server https://indieweb.org/hosting
[jgmac1106] and TrevorDiscord[m] joined the channel
@GWG I did another test. I removed the extra line in wp-config (define( 'WEBMENTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_HEADERS', 1 );) so my pages would not have an endpoint by default. Once I enabled trackbacks/pingbacks on a per-page basis in the standard classic editor, the endpoint would come back and webmention work. It's a bit of a puzzle and I think I understand what happened. It is still correct Gutenberg doesn't show the trackback/pingback toggle?
I thought it did. I'll have to look
[jgmac1106], [LewisCowles] and [frank] joined the channel
In my exploration of the WordPress Indieweb plugins, I am now checking out the Semantic Linkback plugin. This should make a facepile possible when you receive likes on a post. But for me it doesn't. Again, see the commentsection of https://frankmeeuwsen.xyz/2019/11/03/webmention-op-domein/ I added two likes from other domains I have. I expected a facepile of the likes, but it doesn't show up. The settings for Semantic Linkback under
Can anyone help me out what to do next to make the facepiles show up on my theme (Independent Publisher)
Settings >> Discussion have all options enabled for facepiles and the initial number tested with 0 (all) and 1.
[frank]: Do you have jetpack installed?
Nope, not on that domain. Already checked that bug
I want to do a rewrite of that feature. You saved the Settings page?
Multiple times, trying various settings (0, 1, 2)
What about the webmention settings page
Should there be a specific setting on it for this?
No, but sometimes the default isn't working unless you save
Oh OK. Saved those settings again. Nothing happens
Wait, did you try switching themes?
Independent Publisher displays webmentions built in
I noticed that already received likes don't turn into facepiles. Only the new likes after you've set up semantic linkbacks. Maybe this is the case here?
That would also be correct
There is no reprocessing option
I did send the new likes after I set up SL plugin
I can do so again now
It needs a lot of work as part of the merge
@GWG should I disable the Webmention plugin then?
Because the theme already displays them?
One won't work without the other
Semantic Linkbacks has webmentions as a dependency
Can you temporarily switch themes
Sure, no problem
Just to see if it shows
I'll switch to 2019
They also show up on the Twenty Nineteen default theme
This is why I want to merge. Semantic Linkbacks is not useful without Webmentions
Just as they did on Independent Publisher
But they don't show up in a facepile
I understand you want to merge to simplify and clarify. I try to write a how-to on these plugins for non-developers. But it's pretty hard to be honest.
So the facepile code isn't being triggered
It is using the default display
Is there anything I can do to fix this?
Really try resending them. Just to be sure.
Will do so now [chrisbergr].
Unfortunately no changes
I deleted the old comments, used curl to resend the webmentions and approved them on the WordPress backend
okay. 😞
It wouldn't change if they showed as likes
The custom walker from semantic linkbacks is used (the @ url thing is an indicator) ... So I hope David has an idea, I don't see any problem
Maybe you could like the page as well as a test, make sure it send a webmention and see what happens. Maybe something is missing on my side.
It shows on my page, as a regular comment instead of a like
On the backend it has the Comment-Type "Comment" where as my own has the Comment-Type "Webmention"
How is that possible?
I don't know...
Your MF2 parsing shows a lot more information. I have the feeling it is a reply & like in one? http://pin13.net/mf2/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fambersaunders.de%2Findieweb-support%2Fa-random-like%2F
[Amber Saunders] a random like…
Because the like-of property also has a in-reply-to property. Maybe this chokes WordPress?
ah the like-of property doesn't have a URL
that's what's missing
where did this markup come from?
Looking at the sourcecode, I'd say it's WordPress
[chrisbergr] Themeberger-Basic: This is a test. Do not use it :)
oof there's a lot going on there
Oh hell its possible that fav, like and bookmarks are not finished yet
Sorry Frank
No problem Chris
there's way too much markup on the like post!
doesn't need to be anywhere near that complicated
But I'm still looking for a solution to get the facepile back πŸ™‚
I hope @GWG might have some idea
Will look post trolley tour
Sure thing GWG, have fun! I will take a look tomorrow. Timezones...
Yes Aaron. In my euphoria I have forgotten that I have just finished notes, photos and replies. And replies are still sometimes causing problems regarding the avatar.
[chrisaldrich], gRegorLove and [tonz] joined the channel
@GWG The facepile problem has been reported on other places as well. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/unable-to-show-facepile/
[snarfed], aeddi[m], eshohetDiscord[m, nofwayyDiscord[m, cesarosumDiscord, test123Discord[m, leoalvarezhDisco, bekoDiscord[m], gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__ and [manton] joined the channel
Okay, will look
[tantek] joined the channel