#wordpress 2019-11-05

2019-11-05 UTC
bekoDiscord[m] and dmcweeney joined the channel
If anyone is available I was wondering how I might be able to adjust my apple music widgets individually on my website
Drew I can help probably a CSS issue, let me gets to bed in a few....should be able to overide any of the css in Customizer...
okay what are you trying to do to the widgets?
If you go to my website (for example), there is an apple music widget top left corner under #culture
At the end of that widget, there is some blank white space-How do I get rid of that white space
HexDiscord[m], [schmarty] and [chrisbergr] joined the channel
you need to change the size of .embed-player they are all set to be 280×390
what does that mean? What should they be?
it means that if you did .embed-player { max-height: 290px} they would be smaller. the tricky thing is your content is all different
Well each widget is a different height
some play lists have 2 songs some 5 but every player has a height of 390 based? On mobile? for me I am seeing them all 390 with your overflow hidden?
For example the widget under #culture (top left corner) has a lot of white space under the © The Drew McWeeney Dectet
yes but the entire box is 390px your content does not take up 390px in that one
but however the widget at the bottom right (#persevere) does not have any excess white space under the copyright 2018 Drew McWeeney
on the right side the boxes are longer because the height is relative to its container....meaning skinnier container you need to stretch out the boc
No I am referring to just the widgets not the sidebar container
sorry I am referring to a div as a "container" not to a specific element
the box on the bottom right has A more content, and B the right side widget sidebar is skinnier than your left so the content needs to stretch more
No I am just wondering how to remove the excess white space after the copyright information in the sidebar widget. Do I have to go back to the CSS for each widget or can I make the change through CSS
I'm not referring to the stretch-I'm referring to the height
Can you do a video chat?
I am probably not explaining it too well .. my bad!
if you had 3x3 block of playdough and put it into a square container 4x4 and then the same block of playdough in a 3x4 container the playdough "content" would stretch..basic same thing here
I am saying if you wanted to do this you would need to change .embed-player { max-height: 290px} for each use case, number of songs, left, right with a lot of guessing of max-height
I wouldn't attempt it because A: messing with pixels where your height is relative to the container it is in will mess up mobile..I am also not css expert others may have advice
Is the max-height property necessary at all?
I don't know the url so I'm not able to see for myself
its not set it is calculated based on screen width
that's the other thing drew it is 390px on my laptop it will be different on my desktop
URL is drewmcweeney.com
@jgmac1106 are you able to do a video chat?
no I am not and nor can I do what you want
maybe try a negative margin on: tracklist__footer__copyright???
The first thing I notice: The red-ish play button will be translated based on the browsers language. In my case it labels "Wiedergeben". This is too wide and will be cut right before the "N".
if you put .embed-player { max-height: 290px} the white spacewill change, but you won;t like result on the right
I see the change
So I guess my question is some music widgets have the scroll bar and others don't
you need to think of them as boxes. the more you put in the box the less white space, the skinnier the box, the less whitespace...to wher as [chrisbergr] points out stuff spills oustise (overflow)
Why is that?
that is called overflow
you have to much crap to stuff in your box
So there is no CSS to make the scroll bar disappear then
I would do .embed-player { max-height: none; height: auto; } - Or do I miss something?
yes, that can be done but then the content can't be got
I was offering it more as lesson than solution
Oh sorry 😄
that is probably what it set as seeing it is setting the height relative using flexbox and a box model
You casn design your own widgets as text options and just link to itunes...or better yet songs on your own server
and then control all the layout...within the parameters of your sidebar widget...do they really drive a ton of sales...if not is it the extra white space causing the lack of click through
Drew because your box size is set and your the stuff you are putting in each box is different...I don't really know how to help
CSS subgrid will fix all this one day hopefully soon
Oh okay-It just seemed strange that some widgets had white space at the bottom and others did not but I think I get it now
40 Cookies. this iTunes widget is definitely not an option for me in germany.
[chrisbergr] brings up good point...lot of trackers come with third party plugins, slows down your site, why not <li><a href="song on itunes">my song</a></li>
better yet <li><a href="song on myserver">my song</a> <a href="donate>Donate</a></li>
Or instead of "Donate" I can imagine "Buy on iTunes"
if you want a deep dive here is how the layout is working in the widget: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Box_Alignment
that is option A....but yeah you could do link to a snippet or whole song and then include a link to buy on itunes
that might make the most sense. visitors can hear snippet or entire song and purchase if they wanrt
side note (off topic) I publish a list of all the torrents I am seeding: https://jgregorymcverry.com/myseeds
what you would do is go to to your shared host make a directory called /music/ or whatever, and upload snippets or whole songs..
Great idea
then custom text/html widget <li><a href="drewmcweeney.com/music/snippet">Play Now</a> <a href="itunes link">Buy on Itunes</a></li>
I have all 60ish gigs of my music on my website.....because I can...no other real reason
Thats a lot. It seems like you're making music for a long time 🙂
ain't my music...my music collection
drewmcweeney, yeah he is super talented musician...
Oh now I get it. Is this legal?
they are all ripped CD's I have and collected and traded for some thirty odd years...no different the listening to the radio and hitting record to make a mixtape IMO
and I don't distribute, don't share, just for me
more chat than WP...but streaming bout the cost of one CD a month,....just think folks are better served buying one album a month, though I have sirius...so I stream as well....hypocrisy is just a form of pragmatism
Okay, I was just surprised. In my country everything is so complicated.
Something funny: Publishers filed lawsuits against Google because Google News displays their headlines. Google should pay the publishers. Google says no thanks, throws them out and now the publishers plan to file lawsuits to get readded by Google
lets head to chat for the discussion or indieweb if you think on topic, but I have already spammed wp channel enough
[chrisaldrich] and wyre joined the channel
what's indieweb?
wyre: You just have to ask
What is the indieweb?
Hmm...that usually works.
The IndieWeb is a community of individual personal websites, connected by simple standards, based on the principles of owning your domain, using it as your primary identity, to publish on your own site (optionally syndicate elsewhere), and own your data https://indieweb.org/IndieWeb
There it is
GWG, I don't get very well
wyre: Get?
wyre: What would you like to know?
We're a community of individuals who believe in having your own website?
what are the benefits?
"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world [wide web]." — Morpheus, The Matrix Whatever the reason, you're done with others owning your content, your identity, and your self. Our online content and identities are becoming more important and sometimes even critical to our lives. Neither are secure in the hands of random ephemeral startups or big silos. We should be the holders of our online presence https://indieweb.org/benefits
wyre: Someone built Loqi to help answer questions like that.
wyre: But, what brought you here, may I ask? Just the name?
the wordpress in the name
wyre: Yes. We have a few rooms. This is for people who want to add Indieweb functionality to their wordpress site.
yalangctc, FordDiscord[m], gRegorLove, [fluffy], [chrisbergr], [jgmac1106], SevenTwenty, [tantek], jeremych_, [LewisCowles], [KevinMarks], dougbeal|mb1, dougbeal|iOS and xdecimal joined the channel; FordDiscord[m] left the channel
White screen of death if logged in after updating 6 plugins. I haven't had that for a long time. Didn't miss it.
shah^ joined the channel
debug.log tells "wp_deregister_script was called <strong>incorrectly</strong>. Do not deregister the <code>jquery-ui-core</code> script in the administration area. To target the front-end theme, use the <code>wp_enqueue_scripts</code> hook."
I guess this is not done by any indieweb plugin, so it is off topic here. I just needed to express myself. Now I'm downloading the whole plugins directory to be able to do a directory search for this function. Unnecessary work.
JBmc, [tantek], almostdvs, [qubyte], [snarfed], [dougbeal] and gRegorLove joined the channel; JBmc left the channel
2,5hrs wasted. Actually, I wanted to test micro pub.
jbove, [jgmac1106], BigDuckEnergyDis, [chrisbergr], [LewisCowles] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel