#wordpress 2019-11-08

2019-11-08 UTC
[chrisbergr], shah^, [fluffy], [tantek], [chrisaldrich], [dougbeal], gRegorLove, dougbeal|iOS, RenAmamiyaDiscor, [LewisCowles] and vbDiscord[m] joined the channel
It is a shame that I can only use the wp mobile app with jetpack for my self-hosted-wordpress. I'm considering whether I would be able to build an mobile app based on React Mobile that allows me to publish new articles via Micro Pub. That might be way too much for me, but let's see.
[chrisbergr]: What phone OS? There are Micropub apps
iOS. I guess I need to write down all my requirements and than compare to existing ones. Didn't know that there are Micropub apps.
gRegorLove and [grantcodes] joined the channel
Indigenous for iOS
"foto" and kind "photo"... A share sheet like in Indigenous would also be great
I see there are a lot (https://indieweb.org/Micropub/Clients) But I'm not sure if there is any that helps me. I need to choose language and category. The optimal solution would be some predefined values. Example: I open the App, press english, next screen I press photo and then I got prefilled language "en", category "photo" and post kind "photo". If I choose german on the first screen, the result would be language "de", category
I think he announced splitting it into several apps
File an issue?
Don't you think this might be a little too specific?
[chrisbergr]: Generalize it? Frequently used categories?
Query the Micropub endpoint for them
Thank you for the idea. I will concretize my thoughts and then continue.
[jgmac1106], jeremych_, [KevinMarks], [Teresa_Ingram], [tantek], [manton], [snarfed], [grantcodes], [arush], [prtksxna], [chrisaldrich], pvienhageDiscord, joba, gRegorLove, [dougbeal], [LewisCowles], terryHDiscord[m] and jbove joined the channel