#wordpress 2019-11-17

2019-11-17 UTC
gRegorLove joined the channel
There are always a lot more people in this room than are chatting
[asuh] joined the channel
I lurk more than I talk
How’s it going, GWG
[asuh]: Slowly. Sorry for the delay I was eating
I did a lot of house stuff today
no problem!
You’re a busy fella with all these plugins you’re juggling
I also have a job.
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
But I've set this goal of finishing my current project and using it to do a trip log of my trip to IWC B2
i passively hope GWG somehow wins the lottery so he doesn’t have to work a dayjob and can just focus on the tools all day 😛
[Michael_Beckwit: That would be interesting
I'm not sure I'm good enough of a programmer to do it professionally
I’ve chatted with one or two PHP devs about lending a hand but it’s tough to persuade people to give time even if they agree with movement itself
[asuh]: I'm just afraid I'll have to dive more into JS.
I like PHP
It’s inevitable that JS or React is in your future for these plugins
That’s at least half of my day job now
[asuh]: O
I am afraid of that
i’ve heard not necessarily the best things about the react community
but i did put myself through a reach intro course on laracasts yesterday, so i at least have some context
Yes, lots of hot drama in 2019, in unfortunate ways
i haven’t really looked much but I should familiarize myself with Gutenberg at the very least
Mostly played with it as an editor, rather than from dev perspective
[asuh]: I cannot conceptualize how mf2 works as a block
I should talk to someone
Either way, I will press on
If I ever get far enough to visualize what it takes to get into more Gutenberg Dev, I’ll give feedback at the very least
Well, I like backend development.
So I may need a partner
I am looking for a location provider other than Compass to put in. I think I should have at least one alternative
Depending on what Gutenberg is doing, there’s potentially a moderate amount of back-end type work within React already.
meanwhile i’m looking at the idea of a webmention block, because i will keep forgetting what classes/markup are needed, when i just wanna paste a link
A webmention block is what?
basically just the link/embed with the in-reply-to classes and whatnot
plus it’d be simple enough likely to make me feel accomplished in gutenberg creation
So a reply block?
definitely one way to think of it
i haven’t started anything, it’s just in germination stages at best
WordPress 5.3 buttons feel like a UX regression, that’s too bad. I don’t mind the style of a transparent background with colored borders and text, but the new button style isn’t distinguished enough from form elements.
the UI style changes were done for accessibility purposes, in case you weren’t aware
if you were, then i lack further comment and i’m sure they’d appreciate feedback on the topic
Thanks, I know I’m missing context here so I have some reading to do
So, what is next for both of you?
unsure at the moment
You heard my projects
I haven’t planned personal projects with WordPress lately. Work has me buried in headless Craft CMS/API and Gatsby or React.
Hoping to present Indieweb internally at the next dev meeting I speak at in a month
I plan to demo the WP IW plugins as inspiration
Here’s my update to version 5.3 impression about buttons.
gRegorLove, [LewisCowles], [jgmac1106], [mapkyca], [snarfed], Jacket, chrisaldrich, [Rose], Raffaele, maxwelljoslyn, ssDiscord[m], mpocDiscord[m] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel