#wordpress 2019-11-20
2019-11-20 UTC
[timothy_chamber joined the channel
[Will_Monroe] [asuh] [dshanske] well, that worked! I'm not sure why the parsing wasn't working earlier. But thank you both.
Thescooterking joined the channel
cambridgeport90[ One thing on the list we should do is update the Wordpress page of the wiki and take off Lifestream as a plugin recommendation for a social stream page. Plugin hasn't been updated in upwards of nine years.
cambridgeport90[ I discovered this the hard way when I went to create mine.
cambridgeport90[ I was looking for newer ones. So far, flow-flow, and AxStreem look promising, though they do have pro versions.
cambridgeport90[ Those devs might need some help with IndieWeb support, though. It won't be me until later, but ideally in 2020 I might actually become half decent in PHP.
cambridgeport90[ What do you mean?
cambridgeport90[ Oh, that thing. I might be forced to move to Known as my primary site, then. Who knows.
cambridgeport90[ Block editors are an accessibility mess.
cambridgeport90[ You do great though with your plugins. The key is labeling your buttons and other elements in ways that screen readers can see them. JS is a lot of the problem, but that too can be done right. It takes a college degree to under it sometimes. I am not kidding. I have a friend studying for it in her lst semester.
gRegorLove, [fluffy], [LewisCowles], [intover_q], [grantcodes] and IWSlackGateway joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] GWG: your need for hackday projects and ideas about quill and note posting sparked an idea. I like the idea of being able to do what you suggested from the main admin dashboard.

[chrisaldrich] I'm curious how difficult it would be to add a sidebar widget (viewable only while logged in) that could iframe or otherwise mimic Quill for allowing quick note posting interface?

[chrisaldrich] This would allow one to more closely mimic the simple posting interface boxes on Twitter, Facebook, etc. Do Quill or any of the other micropub clients have an API that would allow a dev to embed a posting interface directly into their site like this?

[chrisaldrich] I know the P2 and O2 themes had something like this built into them that might be borrowed.

[chrisaldrich] https://wordpress.org/plugins/quick-post-widget/ looks like it may have been similar, but is so old it's been removed from the repo

[chrisaldrich] also the Sideblog plugin (last updated 10 years ago): https://wordpress.org/plugins/sideblog/

Loqi [Kates Gasis] Description
Sideblog is a plugin for WordPress Blog Platform. It is one way of implementing “Asides” – a series of “short” posts, 1-2 sentences in length.
For WordPress version 2.7 and below, please visit http://katesgasis.com/download-pag...

[chrisaldrich] Sideblogging plugin (last update 8 years ago) is interesting looking and had Twitter integration for POSSE https://wordpress.org/plugins/sideblogging/. It could have an interesting UI example since the asides/notes were displayed in a sidebar and had settings to purge them after a pre-specified amount of time.

[chrisaldrich] It appears to be based on Jon Smajda's old Posthaste plugin which was repurposed Prologue/P2 code for the P2/O2 themes!

[chrisaldrich] Maybe then the thing to be done would be to spin up a headless WP site, add on IndieAuth, and then use this plugin to create a WordPress-based micropub client! 🙂

[schmarty], [benatwork] and [asuh] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] It also has some configurations hiding in settings << writing for paring down the UI a bit further.

[chrisaldrich] that's alright Loqi

[chrisaldrich] I'm writing up some thoughts on it now with some suggestions for IndieWeb use.

incog88 and [snarfed] joined the channel
incog88 Anyone good with SQL queries? I have a query here that i am trying to search all of the ACF Fields and Post Title for results. Some posts do work when searching by title but when searching for author which is a acf field I am not getting anything back for some
incog88 Correction all posts work by title but when inputting an author as the search param certain posts dont show up
slouchyfish, bddapDiscord[m], [LewisCowles], k3 and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel