2019-12-03 UTC
[tantek] joined the channel
# 00:49 GWG php-mf2 is now in the webmentions repo
# 00:50 chrisaldrich That's good news. Wirth a December challenge if you haven't yet listed it
# 00:51 GWG pfefferle merged the loading of the library
# 01:03 GWG Next step is to pass the parsed mf2 to Semantic Linkbacks.
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
# 01:47 GWG chrisaldrich: Looking to do a refresh on Syndication Links to merge some PRs
[fluffy], [xavierroy], [Ramiro_Ruiz], dopplergange and chrisaldrich joined the channel
# 03:35 chrisaldrich If you haven't pushed Syndication Links, I'll send you a PR for a few things, I'm sure I'm missing some subtle pieces, but I should have most of the details and an svg for adding Hypothes.is
# 03:39 GWG chrisaldrich: I'm doing a refactoring of the domain mapping code. I figured I hadn't cleaned it up in a while.
# 03:46 GWG You can't edit Simple Icons files. The automation overwrites them from their repo every time.
# 03:46 GWG But will see if I can incorporate the file.
# 03:47 GWG chrisaldrich: I opened an Issue on the Simple Icons github for both icons you identified as needing
# 03:51 chrisaldrich GWG, it's pretty basic, so doing it manually may be quicker than me figuring my way through the github UI on this computer since I don't have a github client on it.
# 03:51 GWG I'm going to do it. I haven't looked through the code in a while, so I want to clean it a bit.
# 03:52 chrisaldrich I went to Simple Icons to add the links to the svgs for hypothesis, but noticed you'd already beat me to it. GWG++
# 03:52 Loqi GWG has 76 karma in this channel over the last year (143 in all channels)
# 03:52 GWG chrisaldrich: If you find a reading.am link...
# 03:54 chrisaldrich Is there a way to fix example.wordpress.com? I've had issues with Syndication Links stripping the subdomain to show the correct icon.
# 03:54 chrisaldrich I think that unknown root urls don't show the default 'website' icon either....
# 03:55 GWG chrisaldrich: I'm going to be testing. I found the issue with that. the style checker kept rewriting wordpress to WordPress
# 04:58 chrisaldrich GWG, maybe it's just me, but I'm noticing that micro.blog icons show text instead of the default svg. I'm noticing a handful of different versions of names in the plugin that may be causing the mismatch.
# 04:59 chrisaldrich the svg is named micro-dot-blog while other versions are micro.blog, microblog, and Micro.blog in the code.
# 05:04 chrisaldrich looks like if the microblog is changed to micro-dot-blog in all the places it appears, it should fix the problem.
gRegorLove, [Rose], [tantek], [LewisCowles], [jeremycherfas] and jeremych_ joined the channel
# 12:46 GWG [Rose]: Do you have any issues with Syndication Links? I'm doing some minor changes as I received a few PRs I needed to merge.
[tantek] joined the channel
# 13:23 [Rose] Not an issue per sae, but I would like to be able to set some links to hidden.
# 13:24 [Rose] E.g. I tweeted something twice, I only want to show the second (most recent) tweet, but want the first to still be there for backfeed.
# 13:24 [Rose] Probably not worth implementing for everyone though.
jeremycherfas joined the channel
# 13:42 GWG [Rose]: Not sure how I'd do that with the current setup
# 13:42 GWG Same reason I am not sure how to display them in a priority order
# 13:42 GWG At least not without changing things
eleitlDiscord[m], brokaw and [Rose] joined the channel
# 15:39 [Rose] I would have expected the tweet to contain the text of what I wrote and a link back, it does not.
[snarfed] joined the channel
# 16:15 sknebel that's what bridgy thus dutifully posted to twitter
# 16:16 sknebel <a class="navbar-brand p-name" href="https://rosemaryorchard.com" rel="home">Rosemary Orchard</a>
[tantek], [LewisCowles], barrygDiscord[m], [cheukting_ho] and gRegorLove joined the channel
# 18:28 GWG Thinking about implementing mf2 parsing in webmentions for WordPress in a systematic manner
# 18:29 GWG Now that the actual parser is loaded, need to figure out how to move over each function piece by piece
# 18:29 GWG I am thinking about authorship first
# 18:30 GWG post type discovery would be too disruptive on the first try
nicola_, xfzDiscord[m], [KevinMarks], chrisaldrich, jbove, [jgmac1106], [fluffy] and [manton] joined the channel