#wordpress 2019-12-08
2019-12-08 UTC
[KevinMarks], j12t, [jgmac1106], tsrt^, sixgill, dopplergange, [email096], [yo], gRegorLove, damidam, ATMOSDiscord[m], [jeremycherfas], j12t_, [mapkyca], GWG_, Boko_cedac, Boko_caadd, [tantek], Boko_beead, Boko_bcdbd, Boko_adeae, Boko_ecbdc, Boko_bdbca, Boko_dcaad, Boko_debac, Boko_deddb, Boko_cdbec, Boko_aaeca, Boko_ecbae, Boko_ddaab, Boko_cdedd, Boko_abedc, [LewisCowles], Boko_deada, Boko_dabce, [fluffy], Boko_edeea, jeremych_, Boko_bbbde, [snarfed], Boko_aeadc, [Rose] and chrisaldrich joined the channel; sugoDiscord[m] left the channel
[snarfed] joined the channel
dougbeal|imac and [dougbeal] joined the channel
[Michael_Beckwit and chrisaldrich joined the channel
cikavuveDiscord[ left the channel