#wordpress 2019-12-16

2019-12-16 UTC
gRegorLove and [Rose] joined the channel
Pushing Syndication Links 4.2
[jgmac1106], [tantek] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
GWG++ for the updated Syndication Links, and even a few additional tweaks after-the-fact!
GWG has 76 karma in this channel over the last year (145 in all channels)
chrisaldrich: There will be a 4.2.1 after I give it time to get more feedback like yours. In the interim, the changes you suggested are in the repo
[Michael_Beckwit, [fluffy], [dmitshur], gRegorLove and [tonz] joined the channel
anyone here with experience in importing an Twitter messages export into Wordpress? When I search I mostly find plugings that PESOS to Wordpress. As I am (mostly) POSSE’ing to Twitter, I am looking at backfilling my WP site with old tweets. I have a similar question about importing an old Delicious bookmark archive.
[Rose] joined the channel
I am curious as to the answer. I presume someone in the IndieWev community has created a twitter import. I know micro.blog has something for Instagram, maybe they also have Twitter?
[xavierroy] joined the channel
[tonz] Have you check Keyring Social Importers (https://github.com/beaulebens/keyring-social-importers)
[beaulebens] keyring-social-importers: A collection of importers which pull your content back from social networks, and into your own WordPress install.
I haven't used it for twitter, but I use it for Instagram and fitbit
thanks [xavierroy]! I will take a look if I can make that do what I want.
Hope it works... You can fork that and add the required microformats
Morning gang
Ruxton, Oclair, [jgmac1106] and tsrt^ joined the channel
Moving on to refreshing the icons in Indieweb if anyone has any issues with that plugin
[Rose] and jacky3 joined the channel
[Rose]: chrisaldrich tested the new micro.blog POSSE option in Syndication Links. He found a few minor issues. Would you try it to see if you have any issues before I push a hotfix?
I can try it!
Thank you. Tell me if the instructions on the settings page are clear. I amended them a few times
They missed you need your micro.blog username in your WordPress user profile
Ok, there are paragraph tags visible there
Micro.Blog does not show up as a syndication destination through Quill
I refreshed the list, and now it has no destinations.
[Rose]: Did you enable the list in the settings page?
I was asked to switch it from a disable to an enable list
I have Twitter via Bridgy and micro.blog, neither show up.
I have two destinations enabled.
Does it show them in the post editor? Just to check
You can also uncheck everything, which is the same as checking everything
It does show them there
I wonder why it isn't showing
Quill says:
> No syndication targets were found on your site. Your server can provide a list of supported syndication targets that will appear as checkboxes here.
You might need to refresh again
I refreshed it a few times
Wait, I also have no media endpoint
Something is very very wrong
This is not happy
That should not be related
I am getting a 404 on my site config though
I think it may have been looking in the wrong place
Ok, it was looking in the wrong place, signed in again and it worked, 200. And it has all the right data so Quill just can't find it.
And signing out of quill and back in got that fixed.
A lot of fields are not showing in the post editor when I got to edit it
Which fields?
Like the Post Metadata that I usually have
Specifically everything below the editor in that column
The sidebar widgets still show in the editor.
So I have no syndication links, custom fields, categories, or Post Meta
Can you hit screen and add them? Maybe they got disabled?
No, that dropdown doesn't work
If I create a new post then it's fine
Anything in the error log?
The same things are in the JS console on both pahes
The post didn't syndicate to micro.blog either
It takes about 60 seconds for that, give or take
I posted it 7 minutes ago
The photo post I did this morning has the same issue
You updated the feed on micro.blog?
I added the feed there, I didn't delete the others yet
Still should work
Micro.Blog's feed page disagrees:
*Error:* unknown error ArgumentError
Yes, it is picking up the comment feed
Does Jsonfeed normally work for you?
Trying a note
[Rosemary Orchard] I do love wrapping presents, so having things arrive which need to be wrapped is filling me with cheer! And chocolate, but that’s because I keep eating the Christmas chocolate supplies I put on my desk for my co-workers… Also posted on: Twitter i...
The note doesn't have the issue with the broken editor
I see a potential issue
It syndicated to Twitter, waiting to see if micro.blog works
Your Jsonfeed is messed up
A comment on syndication: usually if I check the box to syndicate (e.g. to Twitter via Bridgy), then it syndicates _again_, I presume micro.blog is either "this is on micro.blog" or "this is not on micro.blog", so you may need to separate those out. You could always turn each one into a button.
Ok, what's wrong with my JSONfeed?
I'm using Manton and Brent's plugin
My json feed has no posts it seems
It's returning the comments feed, not the main feed at /microblog/feed/json
You are using a subdirectory
So it's probably the category plugin I have to make things a top level category
I am not
I meant in your url
But it probably is confusing the feed generation to think it isn't an archive
I am using *FV Top Level Categories*
Worth figuring out
Disabling it
We should open an issue to figure it out
That did not fix it
What kind of issue is it? I would think this is a JSONfeed issue
Yes, but it's a plugin combination issue.
So I'd highlight it on the Jsonfeed plugin
The maintainer should be able to figure it out
By the way, I took over maintaining it
You finding things like this does help in improving overall
Found the issue
In the other plugin
Which other plugin? 😛
Add in json manually and save the permalinks page
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
Wait, what? Where? How?
Ok, figured it out. Pull request sent, editing my local copy
But that doesn't explain why it didn't get fixed when I deactivated the plugin
Edit the line in the version of the top level categories plugin installed on your site.
It is still showing the comments feed on your top level page
/feed/json That is a Jsonfeed bug
I just did the edit
How can I tell WordPress to clear the cache for something like this?
Is your site installed in /blog ?
Because when I do /feed it redirects to /blog/feed
No, my site is not in /blog. But that is my main feed
I have a redirect there, removing that
Redirect disabled
Wait...now it is working
I think the redirects may have been a problem
So, it was somehow confusing it as to what feed to pull
I guess so
Trying to re-syndicate to micro.blog
And re-syndicating fixed my editor issue!?
But the posts are not in my syndication feed 😞 https://rosemaryorchard.com/blog/feed/json?microdotblog=1
It's still redirecting to /blog
See, query without rewrites works
Links show on both
Clearly though, I need to factor in some of the things learned here
That was me copying the wrong link, I think it's working now?
Like...check to make sure your feed is working
I have new posts!
And it linked back
[snarfed], almostdvs and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[Rosemary Orchard] Bookmark: Syndication Links now supports per-post syndication to Micro.blog from WordPress by an author Dit is mooi nieuws zeg. De Indieweb plugin Syndication Links maakt het je mogelijk om op je blog artikelen, notities en andere berichten te plaats...
Ok, that's a bookmark, not a like.
No, it;s a like of a bookmark. Confusing.
jgmac1106, [jgmac1106], gRegorLove, [tantek], [Sadik_Shahadu], [benatwork] and [dougbeal] joined the channel