#wordpress 2019-12-22
2019-12-22 UTC
chrisaldrich, [schmarty], dougbeal|iOS, [Michael_Beckwit, maxwelljoslyn, [tantek], [KevinMarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
cambridgeport90[ Afternoon everyone from Massachuestts. How goes everyone today?
cambridgeport90[ * Afternoon everyone from Massachusetts. How goes everyone today?
cambridgeport90[ <GWG "You?"> I am currently reviewing all of the content from all the chat rooms I missed. Looks like I missed this whole week. That and waiting for my friend to crate a Windows server 2019 template so that I can rebuild my Wordpress site on infrastructure that I own.
cambridgeport90[ > <@freenode_GWG:matrix.org> You?
cambridgeport90[ * I am currently reviewing all of the content from all the chat rooms I missed. Looks like I missed this whole week. That and waiting for my friend to create a Windows server 2019 template so that I can rebuild my Wordpress site on infrastructure that I own.
cambridgeport90[ <GWG "cambridgeport90: Rebuilds are al"> Indeed they are. And it is going to be fun keeping my micropub endpoint intact. On my current host, it won't stay up.
cambridgeport90[ <GWG "Micropub fixes are on my list"> The annoying thing is tht I can't send any rrors to help you in light of them only showing up from the client I am posting from. Speaking of Micropub clients, anyone you are aware of which supports Markdown? Does Quill? When I am in the Wordpress interface, that's how I prefer to write.
cambridgeport90[ <GWG "I don't think any do... but mayb"> That actually makes a lot of sense. I still need to get used to typing in HTML all the time so that it comes as natural to me as English.
cambridgeport90[ <GWG "I remember someone years ago tal"> 2020 is gonna be a big dev year for me, so maybe I can get something out that's of use to the community. The whole idea is where the heck to focus considering I am interested in a number of frameworks and methodologies.
cambridgeport90[ Well, I would like to add Federation support to one of my own projects, for one, and for two, I'm interested in bringing in the web features to the.net framework. Nothing existing nor haven't been created has any of those features yet.
cambridgeport90[ * Well, I would like to add Federation support to one of my own projects, for one, and for two, I'm interested in bringing indieweb features to the .net framework. Nothing existing nor haven't been created has any of those features yet.
cambridgeport90[ <GWG "I have to stop listening to [Ros"> Yeah, but always being organized? That's boring.
cambridgeport90[ You and I are in the same boat then, good. It's nice to know when you're not alone.
cambridgeport90[ <GWG "Order of"> Even better, I say.
[KevinMarks], [tantek], [grantcodes], [dmitshur], misterwhatever and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel