2019-12-30 UTC
chrisaldrich joined the channel
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
# 00:13 GWG chrisaldrich: Doing some spring cleaning?
# 00:14 chrisaldrich depending on how long they'll let me go here, I'll be updating and adding to as many wordpress pages as I can...
# 00:43 chrisaldrich I'm off for a chuck of the coming week, so hopefully my site will improve more rapidly in the next few days.
# 00:44 chrisaldrich While contemplating updates to Post Kinds, I'm also thinking about whether or not I should change themes for the new year.
# 00:44 GWG I haven't done anything themey in ages
# 00:45 chrisaldrich I'm debating making changes to my current theme to be more microformats friendly or starting with something else and doing the same...
# 00:46 chrisaldrich I'm thinking that a 2016 child theme with updates for mf2 in addition to your iw2016 could be useful.
# 00:48 GWG Anything you want to upstream tell me
# 01:01 chrisaldrich GWG, I recall you saying you'd pushed a tweak to simple locations truncating numbers.
# 01:02 chrisaldrich I'm still seeing an issue preventing the ability to publish because the altitude goes to hundredths place instead of tenths....
# 01:09 GWG Can you open an issue? I thought I got it fixed
[CrowderSoup] joined the channel
Hi, [chrisaldrich], [Michael_Beckwit, beko, [prtksxna], [KevinMarks], [frank], [Rose], gRegorLove, ThomasManginDisc, [schmarty], ThomasManginDis4 and [grantcodes] joined the channel; nellkate1[m] left the channel
# 19:09 [Michael_Beckwit updated my PR #11 on MF2 Feed, hopefully i got the order correct for the singular check
[tantek], [chrisaldrich], [KevinMarks], [AlisonW], [kimberlyhirsh], [CrowderSoup], [grantcodes], [snarfed] and Hi joined the channel