#wordpress 2020-01-03
2020-01-03 UTC
[tantek], anonymous8 and chrisaldrich joined the channel; anonymous8 left the channel
chrisaldrich wonders when I passed the 4 digit post ID threshold as I sit somewhere around https://boffosocko.com/?p=55763441 right now....

chrisaldrich I've had a handful of sites where I started from scratch. I actually think mine is somewhat artificially high at the moment because I imported a bunch of stuff from another platform a few years back and that bumped the number up.

chrisaldrich My current number of posts is above 18,000 at the moment, but with drafts and revisions it would naturally be about 2 or 3x that number based on how WP increments.

chrisaldrich When you own all of your social posts, the number climbs pretty quickly as I've discovered.

chrisaldrich GWG, did you fix your whitelist issue or does it need more testing?

[CrowderSoup] joined the channel
[CrowderSoup] Wow, that is a... LOT of posts. Damn.
simons, gRegorLove, [CrowderSoup]1 and arj joined the channel
GWG https://wordpress.org/support/topic/using-zones/ - I'm thinking the question suggests the person is looking for a different sort of plugin. Trying to figure out if there is anything I might do here
simons, [jgmac1106], PlusMinus and [xavierroy] joined the channel
[xavierroy] Looks like he wants some posts to be displayed only when the reader is within a geofence. The idea is cool. Someone visiting my home can see only posts that have the location set to my home.
[xavierroy] Isn't that an usecase for Vouch?
simons, [jeremycherfas], [LewisCowles], [Rose], [schmarty] and Suw joined the channel
Suw Hiya. I'm a friend of Kevin Marks, who suggested I post here. I am going to be moving a bunch of blogs onto a single WP multisite installation.
Suw Is there a better way to copy over the blogs than WP export and import? Or is that the easiest way to do it?
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] you can try the WP2Static plugin, they have an export tool I find works better

Suw Thanks! I shall take a look!
Suw Project is a little delayed as I realised I'd forgotten to change the nameservers over... doh!
[Khurt] joined the channel
[Khurt] Good morning almost afternoon.
[CrowderSoup], [tantek] and emakDiscord[m] joined the channel
Suw Hello! And good point - just realised it's afternoon now.
gRegorLove joined the channel
simons joined the channel
[jgmac1106] morning [Khurt] hope the photography is going well

simons, [manton], tsrt^, [schmarty] and petermolnar joined the channel
[Sadik_Shahadu], [tantek], [KevinMarks], billbennettnz and [Ian_Forrester] joined the channel
billbennettnz What do you do if a web mention link breaks? I have a few web mentions from Twitter where the commentor has switched to a new @handle I can leave them as broken links... that's cool, but is there a better way to deal with them?
billbennettnz Yes, they come via bridgy, will look there
[Ian_Forrester] Hi there... just trying to get to the bottom of my IndieAuth problems
[Ian_Forrester] Hitting this problem with my site - cubicgarden.com - "In order to ensure IndieAuth tokens will work please visit the settings page to check: Visit Settings Page"
[Ian_Forrester] Authorization has Failed
[Ian_Forrester] Yes click the json links
[Ian_Forrester] Me and the WPengine dev update my htaccess and I added defines to my wp-config.php as describe here - https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-micropub#frequently-asked-questions
[Ian_Forrester] We tried both - `SetEnvIf Authorization "(.*)" HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$1`
[Ian_Forrester] and `RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%
[Ian_Forrester] In my PHP we added
[Ian_Forrester] this ...
[Ian_Forrester] define('MICROPUB_AUTHENTICATION_ENDPOINT', 'https://indieauth.com/auth');
[Ian_Forrester] define('MICROPUB_TOKEN_ENDPOINT', 'https://tokens.indieauth.com/token');
[Ian_Forrester] # Define a custom authentication endpoint. Can be overridden in the settings interface
[Ian_Forrester] # Define a custom token endpoint. Can be overridden in the settings interface.
[Ian_Forrester] define('MICROPUB_NAMESPACE', 'micropub/1.0' );
[Ian_Forrester] # By default the namespace for micropub is micropub/1.0. This would allow you to change this for your endpoint
[Ian_Forrester] # Disable notices for insecure sites
[Ian_Forrester] define('MICROPUB_DISABLE_NAG', 1 );
[Ian_Forrester] define('MICROPUB_LOCAL_AUTH', 1 );
[Ian_Forrester] # Disable built in AUTH in favor of your own plugin.
[Ian_Forrester] Ok will do
[Ian_Forrester] Can I add the # to stop them working for now
[Ian_Forrester] Oh whoops
[Ian_Forrester] Ok so I should put
[Ian_Forrester] // define('MICROPUB_AUTHENTICATION_ENDPOINT', 'https://indieauth.com/auth');
[Ian_Forrester] // define('MICROPUB_TOKEN_ENDPOINT', 'https://tokens.indieauth.com/token');
[Ian_Forrester] Done
[Ian_Forrester] Ok cool
[Ian_Forrester] so they are disable for now
[Ian_Forrester] Ok need to find it a sec
[Ian_Forrester] Sorry bit slow connecting the sftp
GWG If you go to that link, and put https://cubicgarden.com/wp-content/plugins/indieauth/authdiag.php in the URL box, it runs this.
[Ian_Forrester] Sorry its taking a while to show the directory structure
[Ian_Forrester] Ok I might need to get the admin to edit the HTaccess because I can't find it via sftp
[Ian_Forrester] Ignore that found it
[Ian_Forrester] of course its hidden 🙂
[Ian_Forrester] Currently includes - RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%
[Ian_Forrester] Ok cool
[Ian_Forrester] This is where I can use # right? as the htaccess actually has
[Ian_Forrester] #RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%
[Ian_Forrester] #SetEnvIf Authorization "(.*)" HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$1
[Ian_Forrester] # IndieAuth
[Ian_Forrester] RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%
[Ian_Forrester] Ok
[Ian_Forrester] Support tried a few times in combination
[Ian_Forrester] Ok its trying to get my wordpress.com account...
[Ian_Forrester] Yes
[Ian_Forrester] Secure Connection Failed
[Ian_Forrester] An error occurred during a connection to cubicgarden.com.
[Ian_Forrester] The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.
[Ian_Forrester] Please contact the web site owners to inform them of this problem.
[Ian_Forrester] Ok to share?
[Ian_Forrester] I wasn't trying to decide if the State="" was useful or not
[Ian_Forrester] Shoot
[Ian_Forrester] I'm logged in with my login details for my site (not my Wordpress.com)
[Ian_Forrester] I can login in with that if needed
[Ian_Forrester] I have two users cubicgarden = WP.com and ianforrester = local login for my WP
[Ian_Forrester] I'm using the google one
[Ian_Forrester] I can login with both if that helps, right now I'm using ianforrester user
[Ian_Forrester] yep the local login does have 2fa on it too
[Ian_Forrester] but currently logged in to wp with firefox which I'm using for blogging and trying to get indieauth working
[Ian_Forrester] I could temp turn off 2fa?
[Ian_Forrester] temporally?
[Ian_Forrester] Ok its off now, yes I am using that one
[Ian_Forrester] Should I log out of WP and then back in again?
[Ian_Forrester] Ok sorry I tried with and without
[Ian_Forrester] Any idea where the problem lies?
[Ian_Forrester] Ok
[Ian_Forrester] turning back on 2fa