#wordpress 2020-01-05

2020-01-05 UTC
almostdvs, [cleverdevil], simons, [tantek], [Marlin_Forbes], [fluffy], [kimberlyhirsh], [mapkyca], [asuh], Stef, [LewisCowles] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[Michael_Beckwith] great post! I might have started with the themes. Those work best. We currently are recommending no one use the mf2 plugin
[jgmac1106]: that's interesting, I enabled mf2 yesterday :D why so?
It is theme dependent, works sometimes, not always. It isn't mantained
It is usually old microformats in the theme that cause the conflict.
Do you have a link to a note and an article? I can check out the markup
IndieWeb WordPress works best with one of the 4-5 native themes
no notes, but an article here - uses vanilla twentytwenty: https://breakfastdinnertea.co.uk/2020/01/my-2019-year-in-running/
Oooh cool. We can see if the old mf got removed from core
[Simon Scarfe] My 2019 Year In Running
actually looks good! would need to check it with the post-kinds plugin
yup - currently only have mf2 and webmention enabled on there, post-kinds will come either today or later this week.
I'm gradually enabling them just so I know when I've broken something.
well it does still have older microformats but that did not trip up the parser
line 498 <div class="hcard-display h-card vcard p-author"> see the vcard that means they did not remove the older microformats,
simons let me know when you do, would love to know if we can recommend 2020 out of box with the mf2 plugin and post kinds
simone++ thanks for the help
simone has 1 karma over the last year
simons has 1 karma over the last year
np - the vcard on 498 comes from the base wp-indieweb install. I'll give you a ping when I get to post-kinds.
Interested to hear how it works out
yeah there has been an open issue about removing microformats from core, I was interested to see if they did for 2020, guess not yet. In a way WP removing from core may improve the mf2 plugigin, but good to know 2020 works out of box with notes and articles
simons and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
They don't care enough either way
simons joined the channel
How do you review something poorly for not doing something it says it doesn't do
Oclair joined the channel
You can email the reviewer and ask if he feels not working with Gutenber is worthy of the one star rating? not sure?
[tantek], [Sadik_Shahadu], [email096], [asuh], [CrowderSoup] and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
I wonder if one could remove the conflicting old microformat classes via filter. At least ones added by core and not hardcoded by individual themers
[tantek], [cleverdevil], [mapkyca] and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
[Michael_Beckwit] be a great addition to the mf2 plugin if those filters can be added, you only have to search for a few key terms, sems to be more of a problem when used in conjunction with post kinds
and so theme specific on whether it works, but it would be just a few terms to search for and delete.
\sounds like becoming the mf2 mantainer is getting more and more interesting to you….
be forwarned many have come before and tried, no one has cracked how to get proper mf2 into themes reilably with a plugin
was good to see it working with 2020 atleast with standard post formates of article and notes
eh not seeing "hcard" in the WP core files, so must be a theme-dependent thing from past themes
i'm not textually committing to anything at the moment, just spitballing thoughts
search for vcard, hcard, others in microformats channel might be able to provide you other older legacy properties
never committing you to everything, I am just excited to meet the person who finally figures out how to solve the problem
like I said was an open issue to remove mf from Core, gwg can probably point to the exact url, wonder if it was done
hentry search for those
gwg has 75 karma in this channel over the last year (144 in all channels)
untested, but has potential
add_filter( 'post_class', function( $classes, $class, $post->ID ) {
if ( in_array( 'hentry', $classes ) ) {
$key = array_search( 'hentry', $classes );
unset( $classes[ $key ] );
return $classes;
} );
if we want to potentially sabatage at least, if some theme is using it for styling
i wanna say there's somewhere to get all the themes hosted on .org, and one could grep through them all to see how many use the classes
gotta return home, but i'll be back
simons, Googol303623[m], [Michael_Beckwit and [tantek] joined the channel