#wordpress 2020-02-15

2020-02-15 UTC
IWSlackGateway1, ben_thatmust, [tantek], [KevinMarks], miklb, [chrisaldrich] and [Jeff_Hawkins] joined the channel
Tried to install Yarns on my Multisite Multinetwork WordPress. Can't set it up... I'll try to get back to it later but I don't think it's happy on that system.
[jackjamieson2] yarns-microsub-server: Yarns is a Microsub server that runs as a plugin on your WordPress site.
almostdvs and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
I haven't heard of many(any?) people trying out IndieWeb plugins on multisite set ups, though I could easily imagine people doing that on domains that they might share with family or friends. It would be an interesting experiment to try them all out to see how well they might work (or not).
What is multisite?
It looks like we don't have a page for "multisite" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "multisite is ____", a sentence describing the term)
What is WordPress Multisite?
It looks like we don't have a page for "WordPress Multisite" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "WordPress Multisite is ____", a sentence describing the term)
What is WordPress?
WordPress is open source CMS software used by many on the Indieweb as well as a blog hosting service https://indieweb.org/WordPress
This is an obvious hole in the wiki.
considers creating a multisite install to try it all and document it and to help some friends and family wean themselves away from silos...
It's been quite an adventure so far... I don't think most Indieweb plugin authors think multisite when they start out. I'm getting there though.
And a multinetwork probably adds a bit of complexity to that but maybe not as bad as multisite itself.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I think that at least GWG is considering it with respect to IndieAuth and Micropub for potential multi-author and multisite users.
I do think that the suite of tools are reasonably solid such that someone with some reasonable WordPress experience might help their family and friends have a productive IndieWeb experience and multisite could be a useful gateway to that.
gRegorLove, [LewisCowles], [tantek], [chrisaldrich], [jeremycherfas] and [Jeff_Hawkins] joined the channel
My problem is I'm still new to Indieweb so I'm trying to learn Indieweb on multisite where I probably 'bit off a bit too much'. I'm thinking to take the Meanderthal Blog over to it's own server for a bit just to get it on working well on the Indieweb then bring it back home to the multisite. Meanderthal was supposed to be a 'first stab' at a production site running 'static' off the Nginx Proxy here also.
And Meanderthal uses IPFS a good bit for image storage. I guess I got a bit too ambitious with it. https://meanderthal.executivewp.com/
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
pfefferle++ for pushing Webmention 4.0.3
pfefferle has 11 karma in this channel over the last year (17 in all channels)
Masssly, Dante and [Khurt] joined the channel
Good morning WordPress IndieWebers.
I'm running all of the IndieWeb plugin stack and I see things in my profile about Compass API and Compass URL but I don't know what those are and/or how to use them. Looking for any insight anyone can provide. [chrisaldrich]?
What is Compass?
Compass is a location tracking server, part of the p3k set of applications https://indieweb.org/Compass
[schmarty] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[Khurt] I'm only aware that GWG and maybe [Rose] are self hosting their own versions for WordPress. They or aaronpk may be aware of others.
lol wait what! I didn't know one of the plugins uses Compass
this must be GWG's doing for something around geotagging posts
[Jeff_Hawkins] joined the channel
Compass is a method to work with Geo-location systems. http://www.epohi.net/ I think one of the plugins in the Indieweb stack is for geo-location.
I have no idea what that link is
[aaronpk] Compass: Compass is a GPS tracking server that stores data in flat files.
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
This is what I have as a location plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-location/ under IndieWeb. The other link I mentioned was supposed to be for the Compass API.
[David Shanske] Description Supports adding geo coordinates or textual description to a post, comment, user, or attachment. Supports adding weather data to a post or to a widget based on location. Offers choice of map displays. It supports retrieving location usin...
looks like he did add compass as a location source in that plugin, cool
I'm really liking this Loqi mech... I wish we had something like it over on the WordPress Support Slack
Loqi has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (19 in all channels)
aaronpk: I told you I added it
I also thought about adding Nextcloud's PhoneTrack
I guess I forgot? :shrug:
aaronpk: I enjoy aaronpk products
I wonder what other aaronpk WordPress tie ins I can do
GWG emoji avatars? 😉
yesss to emoji avatars
I still want to make an emoji avatar photo booth for an IWC
sounds like a good ten year summit goal
[chrisaldrich]: I don't think I could keep a straight face if I implemented the aaronpk emoji avatar plugin
feature not bug
[LewisCowles], [snarfed], Dante, [Sadik_Shahadu], gRegorLove, [chrisaldrich] and [Christina_Hendr joined the channel
EmojiAvatarPhotoBooth has 1 karma over the last year
[Sadik_Shahadu] joined the channel