#wordpress 2020-02-18

2020-02-18 UTC
almostdvs, [LewisCowles], [chrisaldrich], Dante, vika_nezrimaya, [datashaman] and ondrejkolin joined the channel
Does someone has experience with migrating WP to https without losing FB-likes and comments?
Forced canonical url/data-href/og:url for widgets doesn’t seem to solve it, any thoughts?
[LewisCowles], [calumryan] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Have you tried the wp2static plugin? I homestly could find zero ways to succcessfully export my WP site and just put it on a subdomain as an archive
literally every method to export WP sites failed for me
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Wow. Any reason you know of why exporting failed? You might not get something incredibly useful but the export should at least work
everything just told me my site was too big
not sure the WP2Static fail, that was a big bummer
but standard WP>Export Site>fails too
everything I read said I needed to break it up and export it in pieces.....no time for that nonsense
Hmm, that
almostdvs joined the channel
*that's a believable reason, especially if you're on a shared host and can't increase php execution time limits
I would think you'd be able to get a database dump from your host at least? Although the WP database is a bit of a mess to try and understand
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
yeah I have hard and cloud copies of my database, may juts be another manual until it hurt excercise or stay on the subdomain forever
Maybe try creating a local version and exporting from that instead then?
Just had an interesting experience. Wanted to subscribe to one category of a WP site. Put that category into Newsblur and it found only the first feed of three on the page. Thanks to previous discussions here and in other channels, I just stuck the URL + /feed into Newsblur and it worked fine. Might raise an issue with Newsblur about that.
petermolnar, [jgmac1106], [tantek], Dante, [schmarty], [LewisCowles], [datashaman], [Rose], [KevinMarks], almostdvs, zyncho, [Aaron_Klemm], [dave], [snarfed], [Michael_Beckwit, gRegorLove, CMF, dopplergange, [grantcodes] and wagle joined the channel