#wordpress 2020-02-29

2020-02-29 UTC
[KevinMarks] and [Jeff_Hawkins] joined the channel
I'm just not all that interested in Gutenberg yet... Still using Classic for most everything but a bit of 'play'. I do some support help over at WordPress dot org's forums but I never need to worry about the Block Editor there.
almostdvs, gRegorLove and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
it's an interesting time in WP, to say the least
gRegorLove joined the channel
I am feeling that I need to figure out how to get Indieweb tools working with the block editor.
the can can only be kicked so far
and i mean, if my employer is willing to pay for time to learn the process, it can only benefit in some way
gRegorLove and [asuh] joined the channel
Looks like ClassicPress is still kicking around after all this time.
[ClassicPress] ClassicPress: The business-focused CMS. Powerful. Versatile. Predictable. Forked from WordPress.
I had hoped that it would turn out differently
It seems like Post Kinds is the primary plugin that would need refactoring for Gutenberg?
The biggest changes, yes
Simple Location and Syndication Links would need some adjustments to block form, I suppose
On my test install with Gutenberg, both Simple Location and Syndication Links appear to fit the Gutenberg UI well enough
They do, but in compatibility modes
what are compatibility modes in relation to Gutenberg?
It looks like we don't have a page for "compatibility modes in relation to Gutenberg" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "compatibility modes in relation to Gutenberg is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Gutenberg adds them in
ah, Gutenberg is smart enough to convert them, I see
Then there are a bunch of issues with parsed data stored in the post vs post meta
I am not an expert, but I need to play with it more
I am not sure if you caught my plans
I believe I saw your recent brainstorming post
For this Citation post type idea, how would you see a collection of these posts in the Dashboard?
I like your idea about it being an archive like Pinboard, where you can attach one of those posts to a public post
[asuh]: I am envisioning it that way
I just have to figure out some logistic details
I also have to update the Micropub plugin to support h-cite then
So, I am envisioning Post Kinds as allowing you to post Media posts...which are attachments...an existing post type, or citations, this custom one
The UI for this is a bit complex
So, I want to write a Note post kind, instead of this being a simple Post, it would be a Media post, that I can attach to a Post?
[asuh]: No.
Note isn't changing.
Media posts are things like photo, audio, or video, whcih you can attach to a post
Notes wouldn't change
Ok, gotcha
Now, replies, likes, etc would as they would now attach citations.
This would extend what Post Kinds does, I see
So, I can bookmark things, and I can choose to post bookmark or reply posts, and those would be a separate thing
I can envision what you’ve said so far, makes sense
But I'm nowhere near there yet
I have to:
1. Build citation post type.
2. Add custom taxonomies, because I want the tags for it to be separate from the post tags
3. Build a UI in the classic editor to allow creating them
4. Decide if you should be able to show a citation detail page like you can one for an attachment
5. Build a REST API Controller to allow this to be done through the REST API, which would be necessary for the block editor.
That's all before I actually hook it up to the existing code
“That’s all” haha 🙂
Big job
Definitely, lots of pieces to put together
Oh, then I have to hook into the Micropub filters to make it so h=cite will divert into this instead of as a post.
So, citations can be created with a micropub client.
It's this level of complexity that made me put off venues
GWG, [tantek], [KevinMarks] and computer2000 joined the channel
hi guys, i need to convert GIF to MP4 in a plugin - is there a "on upload" hook or similar I can use?
[jgmac1106], [jeremycherfas], [KevinMarks], [Jeff_Hawkins] and SpencerDub joined the channel
Hi all! I'm working on my child theme for Autonomie. I saw the comment a few days ago that child themes don't need to enqueue anything. I tried removing the enqueueing that I had in functions.php and my child theme lost all CSS!
I guess *technically* a child theme doesn't need to enqueue anything... 😄
Weirdly, when I enqueue the parent style, all the text becomes left-aligned and flows the entire width of the window.
You know... I just use a child theme generator to spawn child themes in WordPress then let it make the initial choices. After that I only copy over the files I need to make edits in (or have made edits in before creating the child). Seems to be a lot easier that way and the child theme enables flawlessly unless I manage to clobber something in that process.
I'll give that a shot, Jeff. The last time I tried making a child theme, it went much more smoothly, so I went in assuming I could do it manually again.
Do you have a generator you prefer?
In the case of the functions php I just copy (don't move - do copy) the original functions php file over and run that then make my changes there.
BRB I can never remember that one's name.
This is the one I usually use https://wordpress.org/plugins/child-theme-generator/
I fall back to this one on my multinetwork multisite https://wordpress.org/plugins/child-theme-configurator/ for some reason I can't remember. So there's that if the first doesn't work well for you.
[Lilaea Media] Description Child Theme Configurator is a fast and easy to use utility that allows you to analyze any theme for common problems, create a child theme and customize it beyond the options of the Customizer. Designed for WordPress users who want to be ...
[Serafino Corriero] Description A child theme is a WordPress template that inherits all features and characteristics of another theme, called the parent theme. Creating a child theme, it allows you to edit or add functionality to your template without having to overwri...
Okay, this is super weird. Even when I use the generator, I have the same CSS problem: the text area spans the entire window. https://spencerdub.me/blog/
Every 'once in a while' an update of the parent will clobber something in the child... it's usually a deprecated PHP item
Is that with the default child theme as created? Or did you move a file into it yourself already?
Default child theme as created. I haven't modified the generated child theme at all.
And... did you look at the parent theme's page to see if there was a child prebuilt or a note about child themes from the author?
You can't stack child themes from what I've been told... if there is a child already there.
I don't think Autonomie has a prebuilt child.
Probably not. You have two mastodon icons in your 'social media' widget also.
Mastodon hates me for some reason.
Right, that came up this week and I'm not sure why. I've seen it replicated on other sites but I've also seen people using the same theme who don't have it duplicated, so I presume there's a fix out there.
I'm trying to put out fires one at a time. If I can make a functional child theme, then I can move onto diagnosing the Mastodon issue.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Oh good, I wasn't the only one with this issue: https://github.com/pfefferle/Autonomie/issues/25
[billbennettnz] #25 Odd child theme behaviour
I'm reading that right now. And I'm also wondering if you might disable a few plugins to see if one of those is breaking things.
Ah, read down the thread there and see what Mr. Kaposki said. The same problem you, the OP, and he had.
Yup. Fixed it by following his tip. And just for fun, I tested the unmodified auto-generated child theme with all plugins disabled--still the same issue.
And if that fix recommended works then you might help others by letting the author know about the issue. Autonomie is a right popular theme so I'm sure someone else will run it on their Idieweb enabled WordPress and have a issue again.
That looks better but the sidebar(?) is still showing under the footer!
edited /WordPress/Themes (+386) "/* Installing Themes */"
(view diff)
Yeah, I'm on it.
I just added an alternate way to keep GIthub WordPress themes updated
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
don't copy functions.php files between parent to child unless they have function_exists checks and even then mostly not needed.
both get loaded, so you run risk of fatal errors. if you want a child functions.php make it blank and start adding unique stuff
Right but I usually just copy over anyway if I'm adding functions... if it works then fine... If it don't then I'll do the extra digging.
mostly because 'I really don't know what I'm doing'!
[spieper] joined the channel
Has no one tried the child theme I linked to earlier?
That MrKapowski Child Theme is mostly what SpencerDub built with that plugin I recommended and incorporated what MrKapowski recommended! So, yes, and no but yes!
[manton] joined the channel
I'm running Independent Publisher 2 which is supposed to be based on the original Independent Publisher. Supposed to be microformats II enabled but I'm still very new to this Indieweb stuff.
It is not
They stripped a lot out
I figured I have some work to do there yet but I'm getting there.
The cool part is that I built the 'web that I want' there and can posse out what I've done.
[Jeff_Hawkins]: I forked Independent Publisher
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
edited /WordPress/Themes (+157) "/* Solutions for Themes not Natively Supporting Microformats */"
(view diff)
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
[Jeff_Hawkins] part of why i'm trying to help you 😉 so you gain more WP knowledge
both parent and child functions files get loaded, so there's no need to copy content. the parent's also gets run just like always
looks good to me
That's the first wave of the new citation post type
The fields were added using the new fields class I created
hacdias1 and [asuh] joined the channel
That screenshot makes sense to me too.
[Grant_Hutchins] joined the channel
I saw that micro.blog supports `POST`ing to `/ping` when I publish. Where do I set this up?
Never mind, I found it under the IndieWeb > Syndication Links settings