#wordpress 2020-03-07

2020-03-07 UTC
pablinos, gRegorLove, [tantek], [jgmac1106], shrysr, [chrisaldrich], [KevinMarks], [Michael_Beckwit, lUcid and SpencerDub joined the channel
Hey all, sorry to circle back around to a topic from a couple weeks ago, but if I wanted to enable some of the "future" post kinds in the Post Kinds plugin, how would I do that? Should I make a secondary plugin enabling them?
pablinos joined the channel
For example, if I wanted to enable the Wish type. I've seen the FAQ on the WordPress plugin page saying I should add "set_post_kind_visibility( $slug, $show = true )", but I'm unclear about how to specifically go about that. :)
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
i assume run that in a callback on like init or after_setup_theme
add_action( 'init', function() { set_post_kind_visibility( 'future' ) } );
didn't try this for syntax errors, but I think it's good as is
[jeremycherfas] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
SpencerDub, I'll dig into the specifics a bit, but there are a lot of reserved kinds already written in the plugin that have false flags that can be changed to true. The tougher part is that many of them don't have display templates, so you may need to create those.
[Chris Aldrich] The Post Kinds plugin, essentially an extended version of WordPress’s core Post Formats functionality, allows one to make a variety of types of posts on one’s website that mirrors the functionality provided in a huge variety of social media platf... https://i2.wp.com/boffosocko.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/kinds-metabox-in-the-admin-UI.png?fit=279%2C679&ssl=1
pablinos joined the channel
You'll want to manually change the line 'show' => false, // Show in Settings so that the `false` value is `true`
I think you should be able to use one of the pre-existing templates to display it on your site. The readme describes how to do this iirc.
I prefer if people use the function to change it.. editing the plugin causes you to lose things on upgrade
Yes, that's definitely a better way to go... Has it been documented? I haven't looked in a while...
[Michael_Beckwit noted it above
[KevinMarks], pablinos, [jeremycherfas], [jgmac1106], Dante, [tantek], [schmarty], [snarfed], [fluffy] and [Jeff_Hawkins] joined the channel
So I'm thinking the post kinds plugin actually tags a post with a tag denoting the kind... Does that sound right?
My question then is the tag available as I filter a post via RSS?
YeoWorld joined the channel
hello crowd
Hello chaps. I need help integrating smtp mail with wordpress bitnami in gcloud. I followed the tutorial provided by google and it still not working
[fluffy], [LewisCowles] and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
[Jeff_Hawkins] last i saw it's all a taxonomy, so should be available in RSS feeds
each kind would have its own since they're all terms
[Jeff_Hawkins] joined the channel
Thanks... I have some WordPress instances running in a 'boil down mode' to build posts for my aggregation and curation sites. I'm thinking post kinds might help to segregate some of that content out to latenight inclusions or completely skip some of those posts. I believe that might help some.
Pikseladam and [Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel