#wordpress 2020-03-11

2020-03-11 UTC
[yo], [Michael_Beckwit, gRegorLove, Ramzy, big_mamma_thorto, [tantek], zyncho, [jgmac1106], [jeremycherfas], [g33kcentric], [renem], [Rose], [LewisCowles], dougbeal|iOS, ondrejkolin, [davidmead], [Ana_Rodrigues], jeremycherfas, petermolnar, [fluffy], [KevinMarks] and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] [gRegorLove] update. WordCamp San Diego is being postponed. https://2020.sandiego.wordcamp.org/2020/03/11/wordcamp-san-diego-postponed-due-to-covid-19-concerns/
[jeremycherfas] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
thanks [Joe_Crawford]. I didn't expect them to keep it after all the cancellations since they made their prior announcement on the 7th.
GWG, I find that more and more journalistic outlets are doing two or more authors, particularly for bigger reporting. Additionally with the decline of journalism, more outlets are banding together and sharing credit on significant pieces.
[chrisaldrich]: It's working when I parse schema JSON-LD for it
I would like to have a microformat set
[chrisaldrich] I was uncertain. It’s not a *huge* event to my recollection which seems to be determinative. But, yes.
I don't think they've done San Diego in a couple of years. I suspect it would have been about 250 people. They didn't have an LA one last year either, but have started planning it, though I don't think they had dates in mind for this calendar year.
I went in 2018 to San Diego WordCamp. It occurs to me I would be bad at estimating attendance.
[snarfed], petermolnar, ben_thatmustbeme, [schmarty], jamietanna, [yo], [Rose], [Ana_Rodrigues], [tantek], mattl, [KevinMarks], DanQ, justache and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel